4. Kindness Checklist for Adults Ripple is an organization that focuses on creating projects that empower individuals to live more meaningful and happier lives. Most of their projects revolve around sharing and spreading kindness all over the world through small acts that make a difference. One of...
Young adults in their first apartments. Folks in retirement homes. The hardest workers at a neighborhood business. They could all use a friendly hello, a “thinking of you” or a word of encouragement…sign it, seal it and send it. Who is quietly, consistently good at what they do? Folk...
Here is a handy checklist of 50 things you can do to make the world a brighter place. Do you have what it takes to complete the Kindness Challenge in 2015? Click here for a print-friendly version of the checklist. Share this checklist with your friends to make 2015 an even brighter yea...