1.4万 6 4:56 App 看书优先推荐kindle,iPad mini6和kindle那个更适合看书!想不明白ipad mini6怎么和kindle杠上了,根本就不是同一个东西 2.6万 6 3:44 App 2024年不到1000购买全新未拆封Kindle Oasis3 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
Head to head: Kindle vs. iPad for reading booksHouston Chronicle
Both Kindle and iPad are equally helpful for reading ebooks. Everything depends on what, when, and how you want to read. When it comes to mobile devices, an iPad and a Kindle are the most famous and desired brands. An iPad is a benchmark for tablets. A Kindle is a synonym of e-re...
iPad vs Kindle for reading books The strength of the Kindle lies in reading. If youcompare the iPad and Kindle screenspurely for readability, it’s a no brainer who wins: the Kindle’s e-Ink technology produces amazingly crisp typography. This makes the Kindle the hands down winner of the ...
Kindle vs. iPad – Which Device is Better for Reading? Both the Amazon Kindle and the Apple iPad have come a long way over the years, but one general rule has always remained the same; Kindle is designed specifically for reading, whereas the iPad is intended as an all-around multi use ...
阅读电子版漫画设备推..前段时间买了台kpw5,用了一段时间想发一下使用体验三个设备为ipad9 ipadmini4 kpw5 ,pad用的软件是可达漫画 只有ios有,大家可以对比下看看自己是适合什么设备
然而我们中间也产生了分歧和误解,那就是 --- Kindle 适合长时间深度阅读,而 iPad 娱乐功能太多,适合浅阅读。 我同意"长时间”这个定语,毕竟 Kindle 待机太赞,且除了翻页时候黑屏闪一下的难受,E-ink 总体眼睛舒适程度是要好很多的。但对于“深阅读,浅阅读”也许就见仁见智了。我个人的观点是 Kindle 阅读反而是...
看书用kindle还是iPad mini比较好(纯阅读体验,不考虑价格)谢谢? LAWRENCE 笔记本电脑话题下的优秀答主 看杂书iPad mini更好,比手机提供更大的画面,RGB的纯LCD屏幕的细腻度也很优秀 看正经的书,买富士通Quaderno/文石Boox Max或… 这款Kindle 神器,让你摆脱设备束缚!
欲望在作祟。 但其实他们之间无法替代。 kindle的屏幕是护眼的 ,ipad代替不了,功能单一。… 阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享 收藏喜欢 看书用kindle还是iPad mini比较好(纯阅读体验,不考虑价格)谢谢? 觉知 当下极乐 先说结论:kindle更好。对比设备:kindle paperwhite 5VSiPad mini61.屏幕kin...
Choose iPad if: 1You like the Apple ecosystem. 2You want to access to multiple ebook stores. 3You read textbooks, comic books, graphic novels, or any image-rich books. 4You want to make notes and annotations while reading. 5You want a multi-functional device, not only for reading. ...