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如果您取消Kindle Unlimited会员资格,下一个账单日期之前您仍可享受您的会员福利。账单日期之后,您将无法访问已下载的Kindle Unlimited电子书。 但是电子书内的书签、笔记和标注将被保存至您的亚马逊帐户内。如果您将来访问相关电子书,仍然可以查看这些内容。请参阅备份您的书签、笔记和标注。
1. How to set up and use display mirroring on Kindle Fire HDX 7 and HDX 8.9 2. The ultimate guide of Kindle FreeTime 3. A practical guide of Kindle FreeTime Unlimited 4. How to install Flash player for your Kindle Fire tablets?
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Kindle Fire: Out of the Box gets you up and running beyond the first "Slide to unlock" screen to unlock all of your media from the cloud in the palm of your hand.Whether your media library lives in Amazon Cloud Drive or on your device, the Fire gives you immediate access to all of...