You can also find Kindle Unlimited audiobooks by selecting “Show results for: eBooks with Audible narration” on the left side of the catalog. This should filter results to only show books that also have audiobooks on KU. When an audiobook is available, the yellow button on the product pag...
Best Kindle deals: Get Kindle Unlimited for free The Kindle lineup has long been among the best e-readers on the market. Amazon updated its entire Kindle lineup in the second half of last year, and while that hasn’t turned out any new Kindle deals yet, there are some ways to save ...
*(Free For Kindle Unlimited) Three Novels (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: War & Military Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Examine themes of identity, morality, and the human condition amidst violence and political turmoil. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 195 pages. ASIN: ...
The Man in the High Castle But best of all, there’s 26 Philip K Dick novels that are all being made availablefreefor subscribers to Amazon’s “Kindle Unlimited” program! Total Recall The Man in the High Castle Ubik Now Wait for Last Year The Simulacra Flow My Tears, the Policeman Sa...
Best Kindle deals: Get Kindle Unlimited for free The Kindle lineup has long been among the best e-readers on the market. Amazon updated its entire Kindle lineup in the second half of last year, and while that hasn’t turned out any new Kindle deals yet, there are some ways to save ...