不限量访问超过 400 万部数字作品,包括畅销书、热门剧集、经典作品等 不限量畅听 使用Kindle Unlimited 包月服务享受畅听数千本有声读物 杂志订阅 浏览您的会员资格里的杂志订阅 Kindle 书籍上的优秀作品 借阅数千本精选的 Kindle 电子书优秀作品,并享受高质量的数字阅读体验 ...
2. Go to the ‘Manage Your Kindle Unlimited Membership’ Page Once you’re logged in, hover over the ‘Accounts & Lists’ option at the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Your Kindle Unlimited.’ This will redirect you to the ‘Manage Your Kindle Unlimited Membership’ p...
This is a unique feature that, unlike other subscription services, you can suspend your membership at any time. Here is how to cancel your Kindle Unlimited membership: On the “Your Kindle Unlimited” page, there is a “Manage Membership” box with the option to “Cancel Kindle Unlimited ...
Хотя Kindle Unlimited предоставляетвамдоступкмножествуэлектронныхкниг, можетнаступитьмомент, когдавамбольшенепонадобятсяегоуслуги. Дляполученияд...
6.Newly update 2023:Amazon disabled the downloading Kindle Unlimited e-books from the Manage Your Content section via USB. 7. Please also note that you can only download azw3 books one by one. Downloading multiple or all books with one click is not permitted by Amazon. However, with this ...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited Deal: 3-Months Free for New Users | Up to $23 off Gift Cards Amazon is offering aFree 3-Month Trial Subscription. This is for new users but some returning users may have access to this offer. Save $35.97 for the first three months. After the trial is over, you...
Amazon has launched a Kindle Unlimited promotion where new customers can sign up for two months for free in the UK, then £9.49 per month after.
Update Your Kindle Unlimited Membership Payment Information Cancel Your Kindle Unlimited Subscription Share Kindle Unlimited Content with Amazon Household Members Buy Kindle Books for Others Return Unredeemed Kindle Book Gift Orders Send Kindle Books to Individual Recipients Send Kindle Books to a ...
Navigate to the “Manage Your Content and Devices” page. Select the “Settings” tab. Under the “Kindle Unlimited Settings” section, click on “Cancel Kindle Unlimited Membership”. Follow the prompts to confirm the cancellation. Will I still have access to my Kindle Unlimited books after I...
Step 2: Cancel Your Kindle Unlimited Membership Once you're atManage your Kindle Unlimited Membership, click onCancel Kindle Unlimited Membership, located on the left-hand side underManage Membership. You'll then be sent to a confirmation page where you can either keep or cancel your Kindle Unli...