Best Kindle deals this Amazon Prime Day On top of these deals, shoppers can also score a month of Kindle Unlimited for free with a 30-day free trial, or for £7.99 (down from £28.47) as part of a Prime Day deal. You can make the most of this Kindle Unlimited offer on Amazon ...
结论是,单在电子书阅读方面 Kindle Unlimited书单包含并远大于Prime阅读书单。Prime阅读可以理解成Kindle U...
亚马逊Prime会员,可以免费阅读电子书???这么爽,那么我的Kindle Unlimited怎么办😱 IceMatcha 小吧主 15 500本和10万本的区别 伊米娜 一介书生 1 楼上说的没错,prime免费阅读的太少了 贝贝爱家谊 一介书生 1 你的unlimited能借我用用吗 登录...
即便这需要月费 12 元或者年费 88 元,对于 Kindle Unlimited 的用户来说应该不难承受。 而Prime 阅读按目前的 500 本电子书的量,只能算是 Prime 会员服务的一个加分项。很可能你想要阅读的并不在 Prime 阅读提供的免费书的范围里面。事实上选择 Prime 服务的用户,应该绝大部分是奔着海外购节省运费去的。 不过...
(1)Kindle套餐是指亚马逊针对Kindle电子阅读器用户推出的多种购买方案。这些方案包括Kindle Unlimited、Prime Reading等,用户可以通过订阅这些服务,享受到更多的电子书资源和优惠活动。而且,Kindle套餐还会经常更新和优化,以满足用户的需求。(2)在Kindle套餐中,最受欢迎的就是Kindle Unlimited。这个服务...
Is Kindle Unlimited free for Prime members? Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading are two different services, even though they have similar offerings. Prime Reading comes with an Amazon Prime membership — which includes shipping benefits, discounts on products, access to free music streaming through the...
Is Kindle Unlimited free for Prime members? Amazon Kindle Unlimited isnotincluded in Amazon Prime, which is Amazon’s premium subscription service forallproducts. KU is a completely separate service that focuses on written content. However, Prime members do get access to Prime Reading, which is ...
看到 Kindle Unlimited 的广告,首先被吸引的并不是无限享有的读书资源,而是一部分同样可以免费取阅的有...
Get Kindle First ebook for free. Get free access to Audible Channels(discontinued). Now, after terminating Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, Amazon wants you to subscribe not only to Prime but also Kindle Unlimited. Deals on Kindle Unlimited are always among the earliest ones that are announced ...
Prime Reading gives you access to unlimited access to a catalog of books, audiobooks, comics, and magazines at no extra charge. It also comes with a free book every month for a prerelease title. It's a great deal and one that many people forget they have. ...