"Prime Reading does come free with Prime but users are limited to borrowing just 10 books from a much smaller library of just a few thousand books," she says. You also likely won't find as many hot new bestsellers there as you might when you browse Kindle Unlimited books. "I've often...
市场研究公司YouGov近日公布美国地区2016年今年上半年品牌指数调查“YouGovBrandIndex”,评选出10大信誉最佳的品牌,亚马逊公司以36的热议分值(buzz score)排名第一。 雨果跨境 · 2016-07-19 辉煌一时的亚马逊快闪店关停,令人唏嘘! 亚马逊全面关停美国的线下快闪店,这是怎么了…… ...