Amazon offers Kindle Unlimited, which is $9.99 a month for access to more than 3 million book titles on Kindle. New Kindle users can get a three-month free trial of the service. However, nothing I had been gunning to read was available through Kindle Unlimited. There were a few from s...
当然,Kindle unlimited里面还是有很多优秀的大部头作品的,不过这类作品,我建议读书速度一般的人,还是直接买就好,花不了太多钱,而且买了就是你的。 相比较不管你出多少钱包年吧,Kindle unlimited里的书还是相当便宜的,真想看,直接买就好。 6、Kindle不仅是个设备,还是个APP。 我时常建议还没有Kindle阅读器的人,在...
AMZN Mobile LLC “图书”类第 3 名 4.7 • 2.6万 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 Mac iPhone iPad 简介 有了Kindle 免费阅读软件,您可以将 Mac Kindle 使用,这样无论您去哪里,都可以带上您的所有电子书。 您在亚马逊网站上购买的电子书会自动显示在您的阅读软件中。
有些人会觉得很难,其实是因为你没有把握住技巧,对角线原则加上瞬间的触发即可完成操作,具体可以见下图我的引导,搞定后直接通过 USB 连入电脑,在根目录即可找到你的截图。 4、Kindle Unlimited KU( Kindle Unlimited )是亚马逊中国去年推出的电子书借阅服务,类似“借书卡”又不同于“借书卡”。你的借书信息会被储...
KU( Kindle Unlimited )是亚马逊中国去年推出的电子书借阅服务,类似“借书卡”又不同于“借书卡”。你的借书信息会被储存在云端,即使过期了也会在再次被借阅的时候激活。 KU 自推出起不断提升电子书的数量,目前已超过7.5万本。 5、磁盘传书 此方法最简单实用,为快速通道,但是没有经过云端。也就是说,资料传输之...
而亚马逊Kindle Unlimited的服务一次借10本的活动,让你远离屯书拖延症。 06、kindle上看微信推文 这年头,很多小伙伴都是通过微信公众号获取信息;然而对于kindler来说,看手机屏哪有墨水屏来的舒服;现在,让静读君来教你:如何在kindle上看微信推文? 首先,在亚马逊官网登录账户,点击右上方的「我的账户」-「管理我的...
Kindle Unlimited books can be found also in the most sold list. Each book that has been read in more than the length of the free sample is counted as sold. It’s easy to find KU books: look for the large gray logo at the bottom of book details. ▸ Kindle Ebook Exclusives –it’...
As somebody who primarily writes in the romance category, being part of Kindle Unlimited has never really been much of a choice for me. Over the course of the last 90 days, more than 66% of my revenue has come from Kindle Page reads, so it would take a lot to convince me that “...
Amazon makes it easy to join Kindle Unlimited. There’s even a 30-dayfree trial.Also, you don’t need a Kindle device. Many readers use their phones, tablets or computers. I alternate between a Kindle Fire and my iPad. So what are you waiting for? The smorgasbord of infinite reading ...
3.To arouse (an emotion, for example):"No spark had yet kindled in him an intellectual passion"(George Eliot). v.intr. 1.To catch fire; burst into flame. 2.To become bright; glow. 3.To become inflamed. 4.To be stirred up; rise. ...