Amazon Kindle Unlimited Deal: 3-Months Free for New Users | Up to $23 off Gift Cards Amazon is offering aFree 3-Month Trial Subscription. This is for new users but some returning users may have access to this offer. Save $35.97 for the first three months. After the trial is over, you...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited现在优惠,免费试用 3 个月的服务,期间可无限阅读 Kindle 电子书,开始后可立即取消续订。 Kindle Unlimited 是亚马逊推出的一项服务,订阅后便可以无限阅读 60 万册电子书和音频书。 06/20/2023 更新:又有了,而且这次是3 个月免费服务(以前都是 2 个月),机会难得! Offer 链接:点击这里或...
Amazon's Kindle deal includes a 3-month free trial to Kindle Unlimited and discounts the e-reader price to $84.99 -- the lowest price online.
Kindle - Now with a Built-in Front Light - White - Ad-Supported + 3 Months Free Kindle Unlimited (with auto-renewal) 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Kindle 10代 白色 + 3个月Unlimited 89.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Kindle Paperwhite + 3 Months Free Kindle Unlimited 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Kindle Paperwhite 电子书 + 3个月 Kindle Unlimited 129.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Kindle Paperwhite (16 GB) – Now with a 6.8" display and adjustable warm light + 3 Months Free Kindle Unlimited (with auto-renewal) 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 全新 Kindle Paperwhite 16GB + 3个月免费Kindle Unlimited 149.9
不限量畅读 不限量访问超过 400 万部数字作品,包括畅销书、热门剧集、经典作品等 不限量畅听 使用Kindle Unlimited 包月服务享受畅听数千本有声读物 杂志订阅 浏览您的会员资格里的杂志订阅 Kindle 书籍上的优秀作品 借阅数千本精选的 Kindle 电子书优秀作品,并享受高质量的数字阅读体验 ...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited 现在优惠,$0.99试用三个月的Kindle Unlimited,新老用户皆可(或者免费试用 30 天)。 文章目录[隐藏 更新日志 11/26/2022 更新:又有了。 12/23/2021 更新:又有了。 12/05/2019 更新:又有了。 Offer 链接 Offer 链接:点击这里或下方按钮 ...
Kindle Paperwhite (16 GB) – Now with a 6.8" display and adjustable warm light - Without Lockscreen Ads + 3 Months Free Kindle Unlimited (with auto-renewal) 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 全新 Kindle Paperwhite 16GB无广...
Keep reading for more details on Amazon’s updated Kindle line-up and when they’ll be available for pre-order and/or purchase. When purchasing any of the new Kindle devices below, you’ll also receive 3 months of Kindle Unlimited free of charge. Kindle Unlimited grants access to...