Kindle Unlimited 中文书 40000 余册,共 400 页,终于让我从头到尾翻完了,现在把值得一看的书整理出来,本人口味偏人文,入眼的书也基本属于小说、文学和社会学这些类型。 从Kindle Unlimited 目录来看,包月图书中:小说 (7,268),文学 (5,074),社会科学 (3,572),心理学 (2,134),历史 (1,730)。数量感觉还是...
I read and loved the original version but didn’t know until I was looking through theKindle Unlimitedlibrary that there was a Young Reader’s version. This WWII book is such an incredible memoir about a woman who, along with her sister, is arrested for hiding Jews and survives the concent...
Hint: you can also just search within the kindle store for “0.00” or “free kindle books”, and a list of free eBooks will appear. But be careful here – know the difference between Kindle Unlimited free, and non-Kindle Unlimited free. You want the Buy Now 1-Click to be $0.00 if ...
However, Amazon blocked the downloading of books that use "Kindle Unlimited" which is a subscription(runs $9.99 per month, for unlimited of select Kindle titles). Because you don't own titles through Kindle Unlimited, you are borrowing them. What's worse, when trying to download Kindle unlimi...
The list of Top 100 Kindle bestsellers is dominated by Kindle Unlimited books Yes, at least 80% of Top 100 Kindle bestsellers are included in the Kindle Unlimited subscription. Does that fact that a book is published by Simon & Schuster mean that it’s a sure-fire bestseller? Not any lo...
Method 4: Join Amazon Prime Membership or Kindle Unlimited Membership to Get Free Kindle Books Method 5: Get Free Kindle Books via Sharing Method 6: Get Free Kindle Books via Overdrive or Method 1 Get Free Kindle Books in Amazon Kindle store ...
Lending a Kindle book takes just a few clicks, and you can view this article for step-by-step instructions. 8. Try Kindle Unlimited for 30 days Much like an Amazon Prime membership, which provides members with “free” 2-day shipping that adds up to $120 per year, Kindle Unlimited ...
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Lending a Kindle book takes just a few clicks, and you can view this article for step-by-step instructions. 8. Try Kindle Unlimited for 30 days Much like an Amazon Prime membership, which provides members with “free” 2-day shipping that adds up to $120 per year, Kindle Unlimited ...
Prime Reading gives you access to unlimited access to a catalog of books, audiobooks, comics, and magazines at no extra charge. It also comes with a free book every month for a prerelease title. It's a great deal and one that many people forget they have. ...