(1)Kindle套餐是指亚马逊针对Kindle电子阅读器用户推出的多种购买方案。这些方案包括Kindle Unlimited、Prime Reading等,用户可以通过订阅这些服务,享受到更多的电子书资源和优惠活动。而且,Kindle套餐还会经常更新和优化,以满足用户的需求。(2)在Kindle套餐中,最受欢迎的就是Kindle Unlimited。这个服务提...
确实是十分划算的——Amazon Kindle Store 中除公版书免费、少部分经典作品价格较低外,其余每本书价格...
值得一提的是,Kindle Store中也融入了亚马逊的其他服务。如果您是Prime订阅用户,您将可以使用名为“Prime Reading”的服务,它将为您提供各种轮转书籍和杂志的免费阅读。 还有每月订阅费用为7.99英镑/ 9.99美元的KindleUnlimited服务,这个费用有些高,但如果您经常阅读,它可以为您提供各种书籍,而无需购买特定的书籍。值得...
即便这需要月费 12 元或者年费 88 元,对于 Kindle Unlimited 的用户来说应该不难承受。 而Prime 阅读按目前的 500 本电子书的量,只能算是 Prime 会员服务的一个加分项。很可能你想要阅读的并不在 Prime 阅读提供的免费书的范围里面。事实上选择 Prime 服务的用户,应该绝大部分是奔着海外购节省运费去的。 不过...
单在电子书阅读方面 Kindle Unlimited书单包含并远大于Prime阅读书单。Prime阅读可以理解成Kindle Unlimited...
目前,Amazon Prime 会员服务是亚马逊主要的收入来源,会员支付 99 美元之后,就能观看不限量的视频、收听不限量的音乐,甚至连送货的速度都可以快一点。不过,如果是 Kindle Unlimited,每个人每年可以支付的价格是 120 美元——这要比 Amazon Prime 每人一年的收入要高,而且电子书的带宽成本,可没有视频音乐那么高。
SIGN UP FOR AMAZON PRIME How much is Kindle Unlimited? Kindle Unlimited costs £7.99 per month, although there are often trial offers. At the moment, you can sign up and get the first two months for 99p, or get a 30-day trial for free. Just note that the subscription will renew at...
⇢ Kindle Unlimited catalog 2. It’s the only real replacement to KOLL Do you rememberKindle Owners’ Lending Library? It was a part of Amazon Prime subscription giving access to a catalog of ebooks comparable to Kindle Unlimited. Yes, it was. I found out thatAmazon has practically disconti...
2. Do I need to be a Kindle Unlimited member to read on a Kindle? No. You do not need a Kindle Unlimited membership to read on a Kindle. All Kindle devices come with instant access to the world’s best eBook store. Kindle Stores worldwide offer millions of titles, including the lates...
Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading basically offer the same reading options. On the plus side, neither requires you to own a Kindle device; you can access both KU and Prime Reading materials through the Kindle app or the Kindle Cloud Reader. Also like KU, Prime Reading offers accompanying audi...