如果你的 Kindle 已经注册亚马逊账号,可通过链接 https://amazon.com/mydevices 访问管理内容与设备页面查看设备名称。你也可以在 Kindle 设备的设置中的设备信息中查看设备名称。 点击屏幕上方的倒箭头调出快捷面板,选择“所有设置(All Settings)”; 点击右上角的菜单并选择“设备信息(Device Info)”查看设备名称。
Remove From Device(从本机中删除)Rename Collection(重命名文档)Rescan(重新扫描)Reset to Factory Defaults(恢复出厂设置)Restart (重启动)SSave Note(保存笔记)Screen Rotation(屏幕方向)Search Dictionary(搜索字典)Search This Book/Document(在该书中查找)Search(查找)See All(观看全部目录)Settings(设置)Shop in...
Amazon Kindle devices or apps will be automatically named when they are activated. It has been several years since I first delved into the Amazon world. Numerous old devices and apps have accumulated in my Amazon account. It' so hard for me to sort out and identify the exact device name ...
因为现在在中国使用kindledxg的话,那个3g网络默认是关闭使用的。必须要先电脑去访问美亚官网,找在线客服手动帮注册好dxg,再重新启动一下机器(kindle重启方法,在主页按menu键,进去settings界面。再按一下menu键,选择restart重启。),dxg的3g网络就可以恢复使用。 同时也会自动帮你的机器注册好美亚官网。左上角显示你名字...
C:\Users\YourComputerUser name\Documents\My Kindle Content Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I change the location of Kindle books on PC? A: Yes, you can change the location of your Kindle books. Here are the steps: 1. Open Kindle for PC. Go to "Tools" and select "Options", then ...
(右上角三道杠) — 设备信息 英文版:Home — Menu — Settings — Menu — Device Info kindle 4 / kindle touch: home — menu — setting — 第二页的Device Info里的“Serial Number:” Kindle 1 / 2 / 3 / Keyboard / DX / DXG: home — menu — settings — 屏幕右下角会显示序列号(未...
Just swipe a finger downward from the top of the screen lets you turn on airplane mode, Bluetooth or dark mode, plus sync the device with your cloud-based account, or access the Scribe's settings menu. There's also a manual brightness and warmth slider, although I found the Scribe does...
(You can download dictionaries for any language you read, and set them as your default in settings). But apart from those features, the internet might as well be on Mars. Fine by me. If I want to look at videos of puppies or lose my temper about politics, I have my phone (and ...
Kindles running firmware 5.14 or higher can go intoSettings, Device Options, andDevice Info. Your device's name should be the first thing listed. If you have a device running older firmware, you can check your Amazon account, use the serial number of the device, or look out for the physi...
Some other thoughts: this is the first time I've had the option to use the e-reader specific font, Bookerly. Ummm, it's ok. Nothing to write home about. I don't find my reading experience particularly enhanced by it. I haven't changed it, but my life would be the same with previ...