总而言之,新的 PDF 改进将使 Scribe 成为一种更适合阅读文档的设备,因为它比其他电子阅读器更具可定制性,并且不需要使用多个设备来查找定义。还有一种全新的内容类型,将在 Kindle Scribes 上独家提供。书写内容包括书籍和其他类型的专门用于书写的内容,例如填字游戏和数独游戏或指导期刊。Write-On Content 感觉就...
此次Kindle Scribe 固件更新的版本号为5.16.1.3。此次更新主要更新了三项功能,分别是调节文档对比度、分栏显示文本和笔记本概览功能。 一、更新内容 此次固件更新添加了以下功能: Aa 菜单中的对比度滑块:在支持手写的 Kindle 书籍和以原始布局发送到 Kindle 的 PDF 文件中,您可以调整书籍或文档中内容的亮度或清晰度。
For Wi-Fi simple setup to happen, you need three things: 1) this Kindle Scribe 2) an existing Amazon device that is already connected to your Wi-Fi network (such as a second generation or newer Echo, Echo Plus, Echo Dot, or Echo Show device in your home that is already connected to...
The bezel was presented on the Kindle Oasis as part of the reason that device was the premium, highest-quality Kindle. However, in use, on the Scribe at least, it's as much a barrier as it is a convenient hand hold. For reading on the Scribe, and holding it one-handed on the b...
Kindle Scribe – Writing Features UnlikeOnyx’s notetaking devices, it appears that you cannot write directly on ebook and document pages, just PDFs. With ebooks and documents, handwritten notes are handled using sticky notes. Mark up books with handwritten sticky notes: ...
The one added advantage of importing PDFs to the Kindle Scribe is that you can freely draw on them, a feature that doesn’t work with books or Word docs. This could be useful for leaving notes on work charts or even signing documents, though I’d point out that you can also do that...
You have three options. While reading, you can annotate handwritten notes or sketches. You can also transfer a Word document or PDF file to the Scribe and then annotate it. However, the main note taking tools are accessible when you tap on the notebooks option displayed on the home screen....
It isn’t difficult to use the Kindle Scribe for basic productivity. When I needed to sign a document, I simply sent it to a custom email address that I set up through my Amazon Kindle account. The PDF file arrived on my Scribe, and I could sign it and email it back with no troubl...
When it comes to using the Kindle Scribe as an e-reader, its primary superpower is the new Active Canvas note-taking system that lets you write directly on e-book pages. Once you start to scribble on top of text, that part of the page starts to gray out the text you’re writing ...
On the Scribe, you also have the ability to upload PDFs and write directly on them. The easiest way I found to do this is by downloading the Kindle app. Once the Kindle app is on your phone, you can go to your documents, choose your desired file, then share to the Kindle app. A...