为什么我用iPhone下载了kindle app 也注册了亚马逊账号 登陆的时候显示设备注册失败 ? Vina Chiong Less is More 貌似IOS版会根据系统语言自动识别访问的地区服务器。 例如:系统语言是美国英文,登录或者访问云端书库也会是美国服务器。 我是也遇到的情况是,系统是美式英… ...
Kindle iseasy and simple to use. When you launch this e-reader, it requests your Amazon account details. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can sign up for a new one within seconds. In this app, you can transfer books from your Kindle device to any other device you have. Al...
1. 首先,到 App Store 下载Kindle for iOS。2. 在 Safari 里点按共享按钮,点击「更多」找到 Kindl...
Note:If you have a Kindle eReader, to decrypt Kindle files, you can directly connect it to computer, then the software will detect your Kindle device, simply drag Kindle files from the right side to the left main interface is OK. How to remove DRM from Kindle files Step 2: Convert Kind...
kindle阅读器app是亚马逊看书软件,亚马逊为中国用户打造的亚马逊阅读器软件,国际版是独立的app;一款由亚马逊开发的以实体出本书资源为主的电子阅读软件,同时也是市面上最能重现纸质书阅读的app,简单的使用方法,阅读app超棒的各种纸质风格切换还有最贴心的护眼模式定会让你爱不释手,喜欢的朋友快来2265安卓网下载吧! 亚...
This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and Mac. Kindle12+ Read eBooks & Magazines AMZN Mobile LLC #18 in Books 4.6 • 313 Ratings Free Screenshots Mac iPhone iPad Description Turn your Mac into a Kindle with the free Kindle app, and carry all your Kindle books ...
embedded audio narration from the book’s author, which is a great idea. You could read the book on your iPad, then listen to the tour on your iPhone or iPod Touch as you walk around Olde London-Towne. Finally, a compelling reason to have an e-book reader app on a 3.5-...
1. iOS Cloud Ebook Reader – works with DRM FREE EPUB, MOBI and AZW3 files 2. Automatically scans your cloud accounts (Dropbox, OneDrive or Goole Drive) to find your ebooks and presents them in a nice looking library 3. Stream your ebooks from the cloud - No space taken on your devic...
Step 2.Navigate to the Kindle e-books page, then select the Kindle books that you want to purchase, and choose to deliver books to Kindle Could Reader, finally, tap "Buy now with 1-click". Now you can download the books to your app. ...
iOS users will also be able to sign into their Goodreads accounts to discuss books and get recommendations from fellow readers, thanks to integration with the social network built directly into the app. Amazon owns Goodreads, and has added functionality for the reader-based social network into a...