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老Kindle App 的槽点集中在 UI/UX 方面,例如:App 配色过暗只有黑色;Hamburger Menu 功能过于凌乱,本地搜索、网上书店、设置挤在一起。新 Kindle App 需要解决的新问题是如何整合 Goodreads 社区。 这些问题的发现都是经过严格的市场调查和数据分析,它们的来源主要是: 用户的反馈。主要是 App Store,Amazon,Twitter ...
这款软件背后,是一帮亚马逊Kindle知识分子这些年费心费力挑选的27万册电子书,你能看到的可以说是精品中的精品了。 简介 评论(27) 历史版本 Kindle最新版截图 # 文艺范 # 相遇字里行间 # Kindle最新版 70万本电子书,读不完的热爱【正版低价电子书,热门标注带你读】- 小说、经管、文学、社科、科技、漫画...
Turn your phone or tablet into a book with the free Kindle apps for iOS, Android, Mac, and PC. Read anytime, anywhere on your phone, tablet, or computer. Go beyond paper with immersive, built-in features.
Kindle Cloud Reader for Windows is not only an extension of Amazon's popular reading platform, but it is also a robust and well-designed tool in itself. Its greatest strength lies in itssimplicity and efficiency, providing users with everything they need for an enriching reading experience. Int...
Create an Amazon accountSign in with your account Explore what Kindle can do Millions of titles at your fingertips Browse books, magazines, and comics, and sample them before you buy.Shop now Read on all your devices Sign in with your account to access your books and other content on any ...
Kindle iseasy and simple to use. When you launch this e-reader, it requests your Amazon account details. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can sign up for a new one within seconds. In this app, you can transfer books from your Kindle device to any other device you have. Al...
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更新时间:2023-06-23 厂商名称:亚马逊(中国)投资有限公司 包名:com.amazon.kindlefc MD5:4F3DDBB5026247660014D535AE6504B2权限须知点击查看3733游戏盒子苹果版 游戏茶苑大厅ios手机版 66手游尊享版苹果 浙江游戏大厅ios版 会玩手游苹果版玩家评论 QQ群号:203046401 我要跟贴猜你喜欢亚马逊...