Amazon Kindle is not working on Windows You need to check if the Kindle app is blocked by Microsoft Security or if your PC is part of School or Work; check if the app is allowed to be installed on your PC and not blocked. It is also possible that the app was available on your PC ...
我也遇到了类似的问题,其实解决办法很简单,我是在下载书籍的时候遇到的,下着下着,就断网了,而且还显示kindle已停止工作(我还不知道两者有什么关系),然后重启软件,重装软件, 都不可以,我没有试重装系统,我kindle content目录中的内容全部删除后,启动软件就一切正常了,希望可以帮到您。
Kindle app,一般又称kindle阅读器app,亚马逊书城app,kindle海外版app,amazon kindle app。一款很流行的电子书阅读器,配合亚马逊的在线书城Kindle. 【概述】 Kindle(kindle阅读器),五十余万本出版文学电子书,包括小说、 文学、经管、社科、科技、少儿、 进口原版类*书。无论是东野圭吾《嫌疑人X的献身》、斯蒂芬·金...
PC端安卓端Kindle使用指南 本人贫穷女大学生,没有买压泡面神器kindle,所以下载了安卓版kindle app 以及kindle for PC享受快乐azw3格式。 1.PC端 下载: kindle for PC下载地址很多,就不多放了。 安装: install默认安装在c盘,但是有方式可以更改安装地址,毕竟是系统盘,还是不要放太多东西了(允悲),下面是更改地址的...
应对Kindle停止服务,掌阅APP推出Kindle文件本地导入服务 近日,Kindle中国消息,亚马逊将于2023年6月30日,正式停止国内Kindle电子书店的运营。根据Kindle官方给出的时间表,2022年10月31日之后,电子书的购买和阅读功能正常使用,但是不再提供Kindle电子书阅读器的售后服务。2023年6月30日之后,可以正常下载阅读已经购买...
如果您需要批量备份内容, 建议您在下载Kindle内容后,也同时将其保存至PC本地硬盘。您可以使用USB将您的设备连接到PC端,然后在PC端访问Kindle设备,找到并复制相应的电子书文件至PC本地硬盘,即可实现一次备份多本电子书(批量备份仅适用于下载至Kindle电子书阅读器中的内容)。
Restart Kindle or your PC. Change another USB port or wire to connect Kindle. Connect the Kindle to another computer to see whether it works or not. Hard reset Kindle to clearmemory cache. #2 Kindle App Not Working Check whether the Kindle app is blocked by a security service or firewall...
I do not however have a strong working knowledge of the ePUB spec--just enough to see if something generally looks right, and I rely on online sources for the rest. Since I haven't published .epub files directly I haven't really needed that until this d...
KOReader version: 2024.07-85 g4264d915b (2024.07-79 has the same issues) Device: kindle 3 Issue Dictionary look up does not work (no results found), either by selecting words or by using the search dict function (global) with PDFs, dPad ...
I hope you enjoy using the Kindle app. This post will help you ifKindle is not working on PCand this one ifWindows crashes when Kindle is connected. Read:How to read Kindle books on PC with or without app.