亚马逊 Signature 版 Kindle Paperwhite 5 32GB 开箱(英语) 2021-11-11 08:19 2021 Signature 版 Kindle Paperwhite 评测(英语) 2021-11-05 08:16 亚马逊全新 Kindle Paperwhite 5 开箱(英语) 2021-11-05 07:45 Signature 版 Kindle Paperwhite 评测(英语) 2021-11-03 13:27 全新Signature 版 Kindle P...
1 这里主要以 Kindle Paperwrite 或 Kindle Touch 为例。要在 Kindle 上安装插件必须对设备进行越狱(Jailbreak);而后需要安装 Koreader 依赖的 KPVBooklet;最后安装 Koreader。2 首先越狱 Kindle越狱操作请参看《Kindle paperwhite 2 越狱教程》地址:3 然后安装 KPVBookletKPVBooklet 的安装包下载
Amazon includes a digital user guide on all of their Kindles and a flimsy paper quick start guide in the box. If you would like to read the PDF version on your computer, simply download the one you want, for free.
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Kindle Scribe¥2699起 超大屏幕,支持手写 |去看看> Kindle Paperwhite¥1899起 更大屏幕,真正旗舰 |去看看> 入门版 Kindle¥1399起 小巧轻薄,便于携带 |去看看> * 结账前请检查是否有可用优惠券。商品由京东国际提供一年内非人为因素故障的免费保修服务。
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Kindle Scribe¥2699起 超大屏幕,支持手写 |去看看> Kindle Paperwhite¥1899起 更大屏幕,真正旗舰 |去看看> 入门版 Kindle¥1399起 小巧轻薄,便于携带 |去看看> * 结账前请检查是否有可用优惠券。商品由京东国际提供一年内非人为因素故障的免费保修服务。
Learn how to manage storage space on your Kindle Paperwhite, ensuring you have room for all your favorite books and more.
Update Kindle Paperwhite firmware automatically If your Kindle has been offline for a long time, once you connect it to WiFi and make it connected to Internet, it will automatically check the current version of your firmware. If it's in previous version, it will download and install the late...
This new basic Kindle, while an upgrade to previous basic models, lacks features present in more advanced models like the Paperwhite, which boast extended battery life, faster processing, and a larger screen, among other features. I have previously used a basic Kindle, but I primarily use the...