1.PC端 下载: kindle for PC下载地址很多,就不多放了。 安装: install默认安装在c盘,但是有方式可以更改安装地址,毕竟是系统盘,还是不要放太多东西了(允悲),下面是更改地址的方式,转自百度知道。 默认安装好之后,找到kindle的安装路径,安装在c盘中的kindle文件夹名称是“Amazon”。找到它并确认其中有kindle.exe,...
Step 1. So please install Epubor Ultimate Now.Step 2. If you have updated Kindle for PC to version 2.4.1 or later, the 'auto-downgrade' notification will appear in the top left corner. You can simply click the 'here' to prompt the downgrade option, as shown in the picture below. ...
KindleForPC1.16.44024.zip评分: 自从上次更新过kindle for pc后就一直无法打开,原因是自定义了kindle的文档目录,要是找不到的话,数次重装也没用,后来发现旧版本的能直接安装后打开,不闪退,kindle for pc 的旧版本,网上也有很多其他的,此版本自测无法连接kindle账号服务。
1,去官网下载wine最新版7.0 2,安装wine 3,安装windows版的kindle for pc 4,关键一点是保证字体放在wine的windows下的Fonts,缺省情况下没有字体。该字体类型为aakar-medium.ttf,自己从网上下。or install it from linux software center. then it works. 5,目前可阅览,但无法批注。原因待查。
It installed and I can run it but the app complains about not being able to connect to the internet. It want's me to check the proxy settings but I don't have a proxy and it made no difference when I told it so.
Step 1. InstallKindle for PC On your computer, go to the Amazon website and download the software. Then install Kindle for PC. Step 2. RunEpubor Ultimate Epubor Ultimate must be opened before you download eBooks from Kindle for PC. When the program runs, you will see this interface. ...
Step 1: Install Kindle for PC App on PCClick https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/fd/kcp to get Kindle for PC app downloaded. Then follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.Step 2: Open the ApplicationAfter you finish downloading the desktop app, go find the program. Double...
步骤如下:1.打开安装包附带的DuoKanTool.exe,输入第一步记录的Kindle序列号;2.选择Kindle Type 下拉列表的类型,比如Type1,点击Install,(注意:安装时会跳出命令行对话框。安装成功,命令行对话框将自动关闭。如果出现Access Denied,请关闭命令行,重新选择另外一种Type,再点击Install。)3.等待安装完成后关闭...
Install or Update the Kindle for PC App on Your Computer Install or Update the Kindle App on Android Install or Update the Kindle App on iOS Deregister Your Kindle for PC App Deregister Your Android Kindle App Deregister Your iOS Kindle App Deregister Your Kindle for Web App Buy and Remov...
Step 2. Install Kindle for PC on your computer. imElfin eBook Ultimate works with the Kindle for PC 2.4.0 and Kindle for Mac 1.40 and remove drm from kindle books published in 2024. Note:If you are using Kindle for PC version 2.4.1 or later, please uninstall it and then install an ...