然后依次复制输入以下命令(注意在设备上授权!注意空格!两条命令与33km贴中的命令不同,sdcard被替换了):adb shellsudd if=/storage/emulated/0/twrp_cubed.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recoverydd if=/storage/emulated/0/aboot_vuln.mbn of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/...
Kindle-Fire-ToolKit-V1.0.0-setup.exe(2013-04-05首发版) http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=458374&uk=1779252579Kindle-Fire-ToolKit-Update-V1.0.1.exe(2013-04-06更新)请在V1.0.0基础上升级!http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=458375&uk=1779252579 lankuosuky 好奇围观 1 有人root ...
adb push <rom.zip filename> /sdcard/ adb push gapps-kk-20140105-signed.zip /sdcard/gapps-kk-20140105-signed.zip 5、如需谷歌服务,可以此时刷入gapps zip包(不刷入gapps,可能卡在欢迎界面,需要删除system/pri-app/cmsetupwaized文件夹(需先mount system)) 6、重启,出现开机画面,需要等待5分钟左右进入...
1有可能你会卡第一步,解决方法安装adb-setup.exe,Kindle_Fire_ADB_drivers.zip。2有可能你会卡第二部,正常是会看到的下边红框的,如果找不到设备,解决方法我的电脑点更新驱动t545r 忠实粉丝 10 重新插拔数据线,你会在平板上看到一个usb调试的提示窗口,“总是允许”打勾,这步很重要,不然后面的没法进行,...
Kindle Fire Tip: Password Protection If you want to protect your tablet then one of the first things you should do is setup two specificKindle Fire passwords. One will lock your screen so only those who know your pin can access your tablet. ...
Kindle Fire Setup >> Kindle Fire Troubleshoot Since the Kindle debut the global market, it has numerous updates and it is common to have some basic problems while using this service. In this partition of the article, we have gathered the common and basic issues which a user can encounter ...
/sdcard/downloads/apps/system/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk Install same as GoogleServicesFramework.apk and vending.apk,then reboot then install a calendar app from playstoreSources : The modaco.marketlauncher.apk is from MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Kindle Fire creates a play sto...
Please remove any micro SD cards if you already have them in your Kindle Fire tab while you installing the APK files. This is to avoid the automatic installation of files on the SD card. Amazon Kindle Fire tablet keeps all downloaded files in Tab’s Download folder. You can see all downl...
You can backup an app's actual .apk file (for installing) and it's possible that some apps might keep your data, if they store the data on the "SD card" but many apps don't. HOWEVER, if you did this and use the saved .apk file to reinstall an app, it will no longer be conn...
In the past, the next-generation Amazon Kindle fire HD pill was regardedonline with specs and a few purported pictures by wayof BGR. Thewebsite online’ssource claimed the leaked photography has been of the 7-inch variant of the next-generation Kindle hearth HD tablet. The site then again...