3,在kindle上注销中亚账户,登录美区账户,绑定成功。 4,电脑网页登录美区账户,点击account&lists,下拉找到板块Digital content and devices 5,点击manage you content and device,device里可显示机器。 6,点击preference,下拉点击personal document setting(最后第二个)。下拉点击add a new approved e-mail,增加用来发...
你附图中第二列 manage your content and devices 管理你的内容和设备就是了
通过电子邮件发送:Kindle设备有一个专用的电子邮件地址,你可以将电子书发送到这个地址上。首先,登录到你的Amazon账户,点击"Your Account",然后在"Digital Content"部分找到"Manage Your Content and Devices"。然后选择"Settings"选项卡,找到"Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings"。在这里,你可以看到你的Kindle设备的专用...
2. 正确的文件格式:确认所传输的电子书格式是否为Kindle支持的格式,如MOBI、AZW或PDF。如果不是,需要转换格式后再进行传输。3. 利用书库设置扫描功能:进入Kindle的“Manage Your Content and Devices”页面,在书库设置中勾选“Scan for books”选项,允许Kindle自动扫描所有文件夹以识别电子书。4. 检...
Kindle Content Help Get help with Kindle content features and services. Did you know? You can manage your Kindle content, registered devices, and many account settings directly here: Manage Your Content and Devices Books and Collections Return a Kindle Book Order ...
A: Sure, you can just deregister a kindle book from the device. Go to "Manage Your Content and Devices" page, under "Content" tab, check the box before the book you'd like to remove and then click "Delete" button. Remember that this will delete this book permanently from your Amazon...
Optional:We can also deregister the device by managing "You Content and Devices". Solution 5: Fix for Amazon license limit error. While trying to download a Kindle title on a new device, you may come across an error with Amazon: License Limit Reached. ...
登录亚马逊后,进入顶部的 Kindle 电子书 — 找到Manage content and devices 在设置页面找到Peference, 在Peference页面配置Personal Document Settings,就可以重新用上我们之前熟悉的 Send To Kindle 的功能了~ 总结 总体来说, Kindle 国区下线给我们读者带来的问题是可控 & 可解决的。但真正的问题可能还不简简单单...
查看的话,依然是从前面提到的Manage content and devices进入,在Content页里,能看到刚才买到那本0元Kindle电子书,就算办妥了。 图书馆 步骤4:用Kindle for PC开启阅读 此时打开手机Kindle,发现并无法登陆美亚的账号,也没有找到可以修改区域的选项。这里我只介绍如何用Kindle for PC版本如何登入美亚账号并开始阅读。