If you’d like brief updates on technology, books, marriage, and... Read More TKC 718 Thought Partner at SXSW Mar 12, 2024 In this special episode of The Kindle Chronicles, my guest is ChatGPT. I had no idea I could use OpenAI's revolutionary AI assistant as a Thought Partner. That...
"I realized that in order to sell books, potential readers needed to find them first. That's when I decided to put my books in KDP Select." Rashelle Workman, author ofBlood and Snow I finished my first full-length novel in 2008. After receiving a contract with a small publisher in 20...
(Communications & Information)trademarka portable electronic device for downloading and reading books Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The great galactic catch is that this applies not only to new books but also to any tweaked and re-released editions, even if the tweaking involved a bit of AI wizardry. However, if an author merely uses AI as a well-mannered assistant to polish their prose rather than conjure it from ...
Authors, for $5 you can guarantee that your eBook is placed on the book shelf on the "Upcoming Free eBooks" page or the "Books Deal" page.
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published in 2023 on older versions of Kindle for Mac, it has become a challenging time for ebook enthusiasts who have invested a significant amount of money in these newly released Kindle books.Update: Epubor Ultimate now support the latest kindle for Mac as well as the 2023 kindle books. ...
Version now includes a tool to allow USB transfers from Mac to Kindle readers released in 2024. I wonder if this will mean that Amazon re-enable Download and Transfer? This is interesting; since MacOS doesn't support MTP natively, Amazon decided to include the drivers directly into...
I'm running the latest version of Epubor Ultimate, and version 1.24.3 of the Kindle app, but none of the new released books on Kindle Unlimited will download into this old version of the Kindle app anymore. They all give the error "Your Kindle app requires an update to view this content...
The Kobo Clara BW packs a punch in a tiny frame. Its 6-inch display provides surprisingly crisp resolution and contrast. While it may be small, it has enough storage to hold thousands of books, making it a convenient travel companion. Between the customizable page displays and adjustable front...