First, make sure your internet is up and running and charge your ebook reader over 25% so it doesn’t restrict bandwidth. If Kindle still doesn’t download, follow the steps below: 1. Restart your e-book reader Press and hold thePowerbutton on the device until thePower dialog boxshows o...
If you’ve been waiting for an e-book to be downloaded, but it’s stuck at a certain point or percentage, you might want to restart the process. An error may have occurred while downloading the file, preventing it to push through. ...
With most Kindle books, we can only get six copies downloaded to various devices and apps. If you try to download a book to a seventh device you'll get a license limit exceeded warning. In this situation, you should deregister any old devices that you no longer use (old phones, old c...
My theater group wants to stage a play. Unfortunately, the book we need does not exist in our country, Ecuador. The only place we find it is on Amazon, available to download for Kindle. Not all members of our theater group have a Kindle or a tablet to have the text available, so th...
Also, find outwhat to do if a Kindle book won’t download, since this error negates the whole purpose of purchasing a Kindle. Tell us which fix worked and your experience of Kindle with Windows 11, in the comments section below.
正版特惠 查询型号 查询参数 移除DRM 越狱教程 越狱插件 整理书摘 Kindle 应用下载 Android iOS Windows macOS Kindle 官方客服 在线客服 |点击直达(需登录账号) * 亚马逊为 Kindle 提供了良好的售后服务,如遇到无法自行解决的问题,建议联系其官方客服。以上联系方式来自亚马逊官方网站,与本站无关。
Kindle 设备选购 Kindle Scribe¥2699起 超大屏幕,支持手写 |去看看> Kindle Paperwhite¥1899起 更大屏幕,真正旗舰 |去看看> 入门版 Kindle¥1399起 小巧轻薄,便于携带 |去看看> * 结账前请检查是否有可用优惠券。商品由京东国际提供一年内非人为因素故障的免费保修服务。
• Faster text search, page navigation, and book re-open. Q2. How do I get started using Kindle Previewer 3? A2. First, download and install Kindle Previewer 3. Launch the application, use Menu > Open Book and follow the instructions to open, convert and preview a book. If you are...
/Users/XXXX/Downloads/DeDRM_tools_6.4.3/DeDRM_Macintosh_Application/ ※点击DeDRM.app时候可能打不开,右键显示包内容。 编辑方法:找到下面的代码,comment out (删除也一样)然后保存。 if val406 != 0: raise DrmException(u"Cannot decode library or rented ebo...
Select the deleted book and in the Actions section, click "Download and transfer via USB." After a few seconds, the book is sent to your Kindle device. Please note that this method only works if the book still exists in the Content section. If you have deleted the book from the library...