Kindle Create:Import illustrations, create panels and preview your comic book with the Kindle Create. Cover Creator:Use our Cover Creator tool to upload your own images or use templates to create your own book cover. Marketing Tools:Benefit from Amazon’s powerful marketing tools and global distri...
Kindle Kids' Book is available for Windows and Mac OS X.Download the most recent version of Kindle Kids' Book Creator. Cover Creator You can use our free Cover Creator tool to design a cover for your eBook or paperback. The tool allows you to customize your cover with a variety of layou...
Step three: Click the Launch Cover Creator button. A note on your book cover design: If you haven’t had a professional cover created, you can make use of the Cover Creator tool in Amazon KDP. Since having a professional, quality book cover is extremely important, especially as a self-pu...
Step 2: Prepare your cover and other graphics Books may or may not contain graphics and images, but all books require a cover. You can definitely DIY this using KDP’sCover Creator. But if you want a professional to do your cover, there are lots ofgreat sites to find freelancers. This ...
Using KDP Cover Creator Your book will also need an attractive cover. You can upload your own image or create a cover with kdp's Cover Creator. Cover Creator has cover art images available that you can use. You can change the font color, fonts, font style and more. Here's a video ...
修改完毕保存一下,然后下载名为 Mobipocket Creator 的软件(该软件在自制字典教程入门篇中提供了下载)。该软件只能在 Windows 下使用。安装完成后,直接双击刚才编辑的那个 content.opf 文件就可以打开。什么都不需要设置,依次点击菜单栏“Build -> Build e-Book”或点击界面上方靠右的【Build】图标按钮调出生成界面,然...
creator:"Barret Lee", copyright:"Barret Lee", publisher:"", coverImage:'coverImage.png' }, /*option*/ output: { base:'./build', format:'[name]-'+moment().format('YYYYMMDD') }, /*option for uri*/ singlePage: { title:'div.title', ...
varmoment =require('moment');module.exports = {// entry: './src/KF8-Demo',entry: {base:'./src/KF8-Demo',list: []},bookInfo: {title:"Barret Lee's Personal Website",lang:"zh",creator:"Barret Lee",copyright:"Barret Lee",publisher:"",coverImage:'coverImage.png'},/*option*/outpu...
Title>Book title</dc:Title> <dc:Language>en</dc:Language> <dc:Creator>Author name</dc:Creator> <dc:Copyrights>Copyright owner</dc:Copyrights> <dc:Publisher>Publisher</dc:Publisher> <x-metadata> <EmbeddedCover>images/cover.jpg</EmbeddedCover> </x-metadata> </dc-metadata> </metadata> <...
varmoment=require('moment');module.exports={// entry: './src/KF8-Demo',entry:{base:'./src/KF8-Demo',list:[]},bookInfo:{title:"Barret Lee's Personal Website",lang:"zh",creator:"Barret Lee",copyright:"Barret Lee",publisher:"",coverImage:'coverImage.png'},/*option*/output:{base...