Lastly, Kindle app for windows gives you an alternative solution toread Kindle eBooks in Singapore.It has most of the features like the native Kindle device such as personal notes, synchronization and bookmarks. However, you can't buy Kindle eBooks directly from the app itself. Overall, the nat...
马逊推出Kindle Web APP:仅10.43KB Windows 10看书新选择 凭借着独特的阅读器产品,Kindle无疑在电子书市场有着自己的一席之地,但对于Windows系统用户而言,在电脑上使用Kindle却一直问题多多,最大的问题就是缺少一个好用的Kindle客户端。此前亚马逊曾推出过一个适用于Windows 8 APP,却在2016年被撤回,对了,...
Amazon Kindle for Windows 10 allows users to use their library on more and more devices with ease. Quick searches, recommended reading andcompetitive prices on booksto own mean you'll find what you want fast and get down to the serious task of reading. Download Kindle for PC and start buil...
Kindle Cloud Reader for Windows is not only an extension of Amazon's popular reading platform, but it is also a robust and well-designed tool in itself. Its greatest strength lies in itssimplicity and efficiency, providing users with everything they need for an enriching reading experience. Int...
1Download and install the Send to Kindle app for Windows. Get Send to Kindle for Windows By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the termshere. Supported File Types:PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, EPUB ...
凭借着独特的阅读器产品,Kindle 无疑在电子书市场有着自己的一席之地,但对于 Windows 系统用户而言,在电脑上使用 Kindle 却一直问题多多,最大的问题就是缺少一个好用的 Kindle 客户端。 此前亚马逊曾推出过一个适用于 Windows 8 APP,却在 2016 年被撤回,对了,Kindle 还有一个传统的桌面客户端,但也仅仅是勉强...
It installed and I can run it but the app complains about not being able to connect to the internet. It want's me to check the proxy settings but I don't have a proxy and it made no difference when I told it so.
for pc是指personal computer windows当然可以。至于app,我只在iPhone上下过kindle,貌似没有朗读功能 ...
mainstream ebooks without drm-protections. Since it focuses more on ebook reading function, it can give you much better reading experience. If you have ebooks purchased from multiple ebook stores but want to organize and read them with one app, you should never miss Epubor Reader for Windows/...
预设十多种字体显示大小可选; 加入自动同步书签以及最后阅读页面的记录功能; 可以看到使用Kindle/Kindle DX/iPhone/iPod touch等设备在文本中所作的文字或高亮标记; 支持触屏缩放技术(仅对Windows7); 只需用手指作出轻摆姿势,便可实现翻页功能 (随后推出的Windows 7用户专用版本中将具备此功能)。软件...