1. Why do You Need to Change Kindle Store Country? 2. A Complete List of International Amazon Sites 3. How to Change Kindle Store Country? 1. Why do You Need to Change Kindle Store Country? 1. Copyright Issue. Amazon is the largest global eCommerce markets in the world, and its Kindl...
进入账号页面,点击“Manage content and devices”,如果“Country/Region”还不是United States,就点击“Change”进行修改。需要填写一个详细的地址,可以填上美国的大学地址如Harvard University的Mailing address: Harvard College 86 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138。电话由于不需要接收二维码,所以可以不是自己的。
Tagged With:Amazon COR,amazon country of residence,change your country on amazon,change your kindle country,how to change your country on Kindle,Kindle COR,Kindle Country of Residence,restricted markets on Kindle
6点击“Country/Region”一栏右边的“Change Country or Region”按钮。7.接下来在国际区域更改页面中,在“Select a Country or Region”下拉列表中找到“China”,然后再点击右边的“Change”按钮。8.然后点击页面中的“Continue”按钮。9.在隐私及条款协议页面中,勾选“我已经阅读并同意以上条款及条件...
Getting Started Welcome to your new Kindle Scribe. This short guide will familiarize you with all of the features and functionality of your Kindle. Some Kindle features may not be available based on your country of residence or location. Please visit www
Unfortunately, the book we need does not exist in our country, Ecuador. The only place we find it is on Amazon, available to download for Kindle. Not all members of our theater group have a Kindle or a tablet to have the text available, so the most convenient thing is to print it. ...
Part 1: Why Do You Need to Change Kindle Store Country? Part 2: Top 3 Ways to Change Location on Kindle Way 1: Set Up with Kindle Account Way 2: Via the ExpressVPN App Way 3: Find Help from Amazon Customer Service [Bonus Tips] The Best Way to Change Location on Your Devices ...
集合大家的集体智慧,总结一个懒人攻略给同样的懒人朋友们~(注意本攻略本着能懒则懒的原则,适用于要求不太高,懒得折腾,买小k只为看书的朋友!) 1,新机到手第一步充电。插USB或电源皆可~注意USB貌似娇嫩,看清楚正反~ 2,去AMAZON注册。上google地图找个美国地址填信息。最后把国家设置(Country Settings)改成刚填的...
进入新页面。点击最右边的「Setting」,会看到一个「Country Settings」。再点「Change」,会弹出一个...