还是没反应的话 按住电源键15秒以上(按住别放,等到有反应为止)
1. 当您更换了Kindle的电池后,设备仍然显示"empty battery"时,可能是因为电池电量保护机制被激活。2. 根据中国维修网的官方信息,这种情况通常是因为新电池在安装后未能正确激活,导致保护板仍然保持低电量保护状态。3. 为了解决这个问题,您需要拆开设备并重新激活电池。一旦电池被激活,使用充电器为其充...
如图,很老的kindle 3,之前闲置了蛮久忘记关机,就一直保持在这个界面。现在拿出来重新充电也不行,一直是这个界面不消失,把电源键向右15秒重启也没有任何变化。怎么办各位大神?赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 查看所有回复 人生困难户 (来吧打碎玻璃心) 楼主 2017-04-20 12:41:30 ...
开机显示 empty battery的告警 我长按kindle 开机一段(大概按照上面的提示是30s)指示灯会变绿,但是屏幕没反应 插充电器半小时之后同样情况 充电指示灯会变黄,但是过了一段(大概一个小时吧)熄灭(不会变绿) T_T 昨天发帖之后盲操作 alt+sym b 确定 偶然成功可以重启,之后插上充电又发病了…… 赞 回复 小P...
K3求救!Empty..K3求救!Empty Battery卡住不动,连电脑有显示磁盘和文件。充电到绿色。按住开机键30S,也没反应。电池也拆下来,重装没反应,求救。作为回报我有大量EPUB和MOBI电子书赠送
kindle3显示empty battery,卡住不动了,连接电脑可以显示文件。滑动开机没反应,充 kindle3显示empty battery,卡住不动了,连接电脑可以显示文件。滑动开机没反应,充电一夜,没反应,开机键30s,按住home键也没反应。求救。
The clip holding the clicker to the kindle screen is well engineered and is easy to straighten if I knock it too much. The remote works perfectly and charging with a USB-C port on both pieces is a nice touch. I alternate plugging each of them every week. Have not had either run out...
When your Kindle Fire screen stops responding to touch, the most common cause is a dirty screen. If the screen is clean, check the battery. Your device may not have enough power. When your Kindle stops responding to touch, clean the screen. If it does not have enough battery power, char...
Tap the "On" button to the right of this and you'll instantly see your battery icon at the top right replaced with the percentage left. Here's a screenshot of this with the option turned on: At the top right of this image did you also notice the 83 in the blue circle? That's ...