02家长代表致辞Parent Representative Speech某某妈妈作为家长代表发言,道出了所有家长的心声,表达了三年来多幼儿园、对老师的感激之情,并对孩子们的未来表示了深切的祝愿与期盼。As the parent representative, the mother spoke spoke on behalf of all the...
At the graduation ceremony, children performed three programs "You've got a friend in me", "Listen to me thank you", and "Hand in Hand" not only expressed their gratitude to their parents, but also showed the friendship between cla...
5 days a week. The structure, routine and size of each class has helped Isabelle grow in confidence, develop her speech and also learn how to mix with others her age.
Apple King Kindergarten starts operating in 2000 with just a handful of students. Over the years, through word of mouth recommendations by satisfied parents, our students’ enrolment had flourished steadily all these years. Our commitments and efforts in kindergarten service had made us a household ...
attended by herself two mornings per week. Now Isabelle is in Transition Tots and she attends every morning for 3 hours, 5 days a week. The structure, routine and size of each class has helped Isabelle grow in confidence, develop her speech and also learn how to mix with others her age...