kindergartens were promoted as an attempt to remedy American poverty.6By 1965 between 50% and 85% of five-year-olds attended kindergarten, mostly in public schools that were provided by state funds in over forty states. The Head Start program began in 1965 and helped further the idea of earl...
Jon S. BaileyFLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITYPsychology DepartmentJournal of Applied Behavior AnalysisJohnson, M., & Bailey, J. (1974). Cross-age tutoring: Fifth graders as arithmetic tutors for kindergarten children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 7, 223-232....
But the kindergarten program at BASIS Charter Schools is not just aspirational. It’s precisely what we do. It is fundamental for students to develop social and emotional skills, along with improving on fine and gross motor skills. It is a cornerstone concept for students to learn how to inte...
Florida State University, Florida Center for Reading Research, Tallahassee, USASpringer USEducational Psychology ReviewConnor CM, Phillips BM, Kaschak M, et al. Comprehension tools for teachers: Reading for understanding from prekindergarten through fourth grade. Educ Psychol Rev. 2014;26(3):379-401...