a flexible concept of number not completely tied to counting. While students are generally familiar with the concept of more, they have had less experience with the term less. The terms should be used together to emphasize the relationship. ...
It’s been a short but incredibly successful three-month journey for our Age of Learning’s Schools Solutions and My Math Academy. In early June, we announced our new Schools Solutions, which we developed to provide schools and districts with standards-based early education programs proven to he...
Teachers are like directors in a film, directing and motivating kids during their time at the kindergarten. They have different standards to evaluate the children's performances. "We hope the kids have strong learning skills, are able to focus on one task and set their goals accordingly. They ...
Whenever I plan a unit, I start by looking at the standards for that unit and planning my learning objectives. The standards for "Animals" in Texas are fairly simple: (A) sort animals into groups based on physical characteristics such as color, size, or body covering. (B) identify parts ...
Each unit has a coordinating writing rubric. These are a great way to empower students to take ownership of their own learning. Learn more about our writing units by clicking: Getting Started with Kindergarten Writers Workshop Free file
. Percussion Magic, Music Fairy Piano, ABRSM Clarinet, and other teaching segments together, are designed to develop children's music appreciation and competencies in line with international standards. Through comprehensive music learning, we open the door for children to the beautiful world of music...
Practitioners in play-based learning contexts face the challenge of developing developmentally appropriate practices while meeting rigorous academic curriculum standards. To date, play and academic learning have been predominantly conceptualized from an adult perspective. Considering that children are key agents...
Garden International Schools (Kindergarten and Primary) aim to offer a rigorous education through a welldeveloped curriculum that fosters academic curiosity and a love of learning. Our teaching philosophy and curriculum is based on the international standards fir inquiry-based learning. ...
Kindergarten apps are very beneficial for kids as they have a great impact on the development and growth of their mental skills. Fun learning apps for kindergarten children are one of the best teaching methods. Kindergarten games help reinforce skills they are learning at school as well as learn...
About Our School静安上报海富幼儿园静安上报海富幼儿园,作为协和教育创立30周年发展历程新的里程碑、协和“海富系”幼儿园新的标杆园所。秉承海富幼儿园办园宗旨和育人目标,在践行海富课程理念的基础上,以主题式探究、浸润式双语、P4C儿童哲学、体验...