One of the first steps in reading is practicing CVC words. When children realize they can blend sounds (phonemes) to create words, they will gain confidence in their reading skills. Using letter tiles/magnets/cutouts to physically build the CVC words is a great way to help your hands on ...
If you have kids who need something to do with those fidgety hands, play dough mats could be the perfect sight word activity for you. She offers all 220 Dolch words for just $3. (Kindergarten Mom) Free color-by-word sight word printables Thisfree printable sight word worksheet uses a col...
Have children say the name of the picture and listen for the beginning blend sound and match the picture and blend together. The leaf template phonics puzzles include the following initial blends: br, bl, cl, dr, gl, pr, sn, sp, st, tr, ch, cr, fl, fr, gr, pl, sc, wh Leaf ...
Exercise 8 Books CVC Words for Short a CVC Words for Short e CVC Words for Short i- 2 books CVC Words for Short o- 2 books CVC Words for Short u- 2 books Flashcards 5 sets Short a Short e Short i Short o Short u Blending Flashcard Template Word List 5 sets Short a Short e Sh...
Capital letters and small letters Capital letters and small letters with sample words 家長把 Flashcards 字卡印刷之後剪裁好尺寸後,可以重複每天和小朋友玩認讀小遊戲。 Poster海報的好處是不同預先做任何準備功夫,打印好海報後把它貼在家中的當眼處,引導小朋友每天讀一兩次。