It' s kind of like another dimension opensubtitles2 What kindness! OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The factors which determine these opinions and beliefs are of two kinds: remote factors and immediate factors. Literature 1. ‘funds’ means financial assets and economic benefits of every kind, including ...
"having done kindness"). LASER-wikipedia2 35 因此,据儒家的说法,守礼会使人在任何环境之下都行为端正,培养仁的美德则会使我们待人慈祥和蔼。 35 Thus, we see that according to Confucius, the observance of li will enable people to behave properly in every situation, and the cultivation of jen ...
And yet, so very, very soon after this recognition by you, you accuse me ofnot being aware of the Red Army’s atrocities.LOL! 😉 I was a wreck from grief in the bunker. We all knew, especially after Nemmersdorf (October 1944 —, ...
How many families and hearts this angel has touched,no one knows for sure.But all that it took was a single gift of kindness.So in this Christmas season,create a tradition with your children or maybe someone you love.Give them a gift that keeps on giving.It's a gift from your heart....
Used as a polite closing of a letter +添加翻译 英文-盖丘亚文字典 Wikiyachay alli allilla humut'akuspalla Wikiyachay 显示算法生成的翻译 将“kind regards"自动翻译成 盖丘亚文 错误 Google Translate 用户已删除了“ kind regards”的某些译文。单击以显示它们。
Putting the “kindness” in New Kind October 12, 2022 Company Culture, New Kind News Will COVID-19 turn us all into experience designers? May 7, 2020 Leadership, Strategy, UX How to preserve tech brand equity after an acquisition April 28, 2020 Leadership, Open Source, Positioning, Strat...
WikiMatrix “Well, the whole thing started in kind of a chancy way. —Bé, doncs, la cosa començà d’una manera gairebé fortuïta. Literature She removed her hand from the crysknife hilt, lifted her flagon to Kynes, who responded in kind. Va treure la mà del puny del cry...
WikiMatrix That means she runs a matchmaking service as akindness- -she has abigheart. Eso significa que ofrece un servicio de encuentros porsu generosidad,tiene ungrancorazón. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 –butshe has a kind& affectionateheart& this is everything to me. ...
Using D&K’s theory, the maximal-trade outcome is an equilibrium in any of the three game forms described in this section.7 In D&K’s (as in Rabin’s) theory, kindnesses can range from negative to positive, and while the former case breeds hostility, the latter breeds generosity. It...
doesn’t matter. There’s every chance that I have no idea what their inner struggle is. Whether it’s a horrible day, week, month, or year they’re having, I could end up being the horrible icing on their cupcake, the cherry on their fucked up sundae of “are you serious, life?