The Kinase-Glo® Platform consists of three assay formats: the Kinase-Glo® Assay(a,b,c), which is used to monitor kinase activity using up to 10µM ATP; the Kinase-Glo® Plus Assay(a,c), which is used for assays requiring higher ATP concentrations (up to 100µM...
Max Luminescent Kinase Assay .0 订购此产品 供应商: Promega 规格: 100ml 目录价: 4311 库存状态: 二周到货 CAS编号: 应用范围: 生化试验 种属来源: 相关信息: 说明 Kinase-Glo® Luminescent Kinase Assays (Kinase-Glo® 激酶发光检测试剂盒) 是一种均质的非放射性的方法,用于检测激酶反应后溶液...
货品编号:promega.V6071 数量:-+盒 立即购买加入采购单 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Promega 所属分类:工具酶 货品编号: promega.V6071 品牌: promega 品名: Kinase-Glo® Max Luminescent Kinase Assay 规格: 10ml 商品咨询 ...
The Kinase-Glo® Platform consists of three assay formats: the Kinase-Glo® Assay(a–d), which is used to monitor kinase activity using up to 10μM ATP; the Kinase-Glo® Plus Assay(a,c,d), which is used for assays requiring higher ATP concentrations (up to 100μM); and the ...
The Kinase-Glo® Platform consists of three assay formats: the Kinase-Glo® Assay(a–d), which is used to monitor kinase activity using up to 10μM ATP; the Kinase-Glo® Plus Assay(a,c,d), which is used for assays requiring higher ATP concentrations (up to 100μM); and the ...
cellsusing RT-PCRmethodandthenclonedintoPGEX-6p-1vector./n 蛋 白激酶A(proteinkinaseA,PKA)又称 cAMP vitropurifiedGST-PKAocproteinwas identifiedbyW estern 依赖性蛋白激酶,是 cAMP发挥作用的主要调节因 blotanalysis.Finally,anon-radioactivemethod,Kinase-GIo luminescentkinaseassay,wasemployed to determine ...
摘要: The Kinase-Glo™ Luminescent Kinase Assay is a homogeneous method for measuring kinase activity by quantifying a decrease in ATP levels following kinase activity. The assay can work with virtually any kinase and substrate combination, and it is performed in a...
KinaseGlo is a luminescent kinase assay system that utilizes recombinant kinases and firefly luciferase to detect kinase activity inreal-time. The assay is based on the principle that when the recombinant kinase phosphorylates a peptide substrate, the released phosphate can be transferred to ATP, resu...
Kinase-GIo luminescentkinaseassay,wasemployedtodeterminethe kinaseactivityofpurifiedGST-PKAa.RESULTS:Afterthe optimizationoftheinductionconditions.wepurifiedGST- PKAaproteinsuccessfully.WethendeterminedGST-PKAa activityusingKinase-GIoluminescentkinaseassay.We alsofurtherconfirmedthekinaseactivityofGST-PKA using H-...
V3774 Kinase-Glo Plus Luminescent Kinase Assay 10 × 100 ml 查看 说明/描述:点击可以展开和收起 Kinase-Glo Luminescent Kinase Assays(Kinase-Glo 激酶发光检测试剂盒) 是一种均质的非放射性的方法,用于检测激酶反应后溶液中ATP 的剩余含量来定量地检测纯化激酶的活性。此试剂盒为多孔板检测模式而设计,是自动化...