为了迎接2020年东京奥运会,日本KIMONO PROJECT特意制作了具有各个国家特色的和服,融合了各国的文化、历史、自然为主题,描绘了206个国家和地区的原创kimono(振袖带),每一款色彩搭配都好漂亮!!! k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 238 44 ñ856 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 ...
You can find also Independence Day and a slogan “One Znbia One Nation"Zambian national flag colors and national birds “Alrican fish eagle" are designed with Japanese traditional Tunagaki Hontuzure" technic.#KIMONOPROJECT##TOKYOOLYMPIC##tokyoolympic2020# O网页链接 ...
Anyway, this project actually reminds me a bit of theEasy Knit Blanket Sweater, and it’s just as comfortable to wear if not more so since you don’t need a button to keep it in place. It also could probably be classified as a poncho, but since the sides are seamed it is a bit ...
8 pcs/set Anime Love Live Embossed poster LoveLive! School idol project Figure Kousaka Honoka Minami sticker for gifts $0.78 $0.78 3% off Min. order: 10 pieces 8 pcs/set CARDCAPTOR SAKURA poster Anime CCS KINOMOTOSAKURA different designs sexy girl posters for walls 42x29cm free shipping ...
About Project Tmall.com, formerly Taobao Mall, is a Chinese-language website for business-to-consumer (B2C) online retail, spun off from Taobao, operated in China by Alibaba Group. It is a platform for local Chinese and international businesses to sell brand name goods to consumers in ...
KIMONO PROJECT中,包括设计和服及腰带两个部分,设计师们会将设计的理念和工艺在图片的下方作出阐释。项目由2014年发起2020年完成,服装上各异的风格是因为出自不同的设计师之手。 中国 KIMONO PROJECT 中国主题的和服是采用漆黑为底色,将中国的传统元素点缀装饰,有象征着万里长城的巨龙、牡丹、梅花、竹子和云朵,运用了...