翻译 Kimmeridgian 英[ ki'meridʒiən] 释义 启莫里奇阶
必应词典为您提供kimmeridgian的释义,英[ki'meridʒiən],n. 启莫里阶;启莫里支阶; 网络释义: 启莫里奇阶;启莫里阶土壤;基米里支阶;
沪江词库精选Kimmeridgian是什么意思、英语单词推荐 英音 [kimə'ridʒiən] ; 美音 [kimə'ridʒiən] ; [地质]启莫里奇阶 相似单词 Kimmeridgian [地质]启莫里奇阶 最新单词 hysteresisograph的中文翻译及音标 磁滞回线记录仪 hysteresiscope的中文翻译及用法 n. 磁滞镜 hysteresis是什么...
Kimmeridgian/ki'meridʒiən/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 莫里奇阶 用户正在搜索 notaulices,notcarry,notch,notchback,notchboard,notched,notcher,notchery,notches,notchgraft, 相似单词 kimchi,Kimi,Kimio,kimkhwa,kimm,Kimmeridgian,Kimmy,kimolite,kimono,kimonos, ...
什么是启莫里阶(Kimmeridgian)土壤? 土壤 启莫里阶 浏览:6840 法国香槟(Champagne)、勃艮第(Burgundy)甚至卢瓦尔河谷(Loire Valley)产区的土壤便是启莫里阶土壤,其中最典型的当属夏布利(Chablis)。这种土壤混合了石灰岩、黏土和牡蛎壳化石。尽管现在仍没有任何科学依据能证明葡萄树能够直接从土壤中汲取化合物,但...
Then, the late Kimmeridgian Northern Eurasian seas formed a network of well-connected palaeobasins during the sea-level rise and resulted in rather similar palaeoenvironmental conditions.Clémentine Peggy Anne-Marie ColpaertBoris Leonidovich Nikitenko地质学期刊(英文)...
A rich Kimmeridgian ammonite fauna is described from the Janusfjellet Subgroup at Holmgardfjellet, Agardhbukta, East Spitsbergen. The fauna collected from a narrow stratigraphic interval represents a single ammonite assemblage showing a wide but continuous range of variability, with end-forms strongly ...
基默里奇阶(Kimmeridgian Stage)位于牛津阶之上,提塘阶以下,是欧洲上侏罗统中部的一个阶,基默里奇阶一名源自英国的基默 …baike.baidu.com|基于9个网页 2. 启莫里阶 于墨西哥启莫里阶(Kimmeridgian stage)的La Caja组发现了一种非常巨大的上龙科成员部分脊柱化石 , 现收藏于Linares大学 , 这巨大 …tieba.baidu...
Swiss J Geosci (2013) 106:371–395 DOI 10.1007/s00015-013-0138-4 Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) ostracods from Highway A16 (NW Switzerland): taxonomy, stratigraphy, ecology, and biogeography Ulla Schudack • Michael Schudack • Daniel Marty • Gae¨l Comment Received: 12 March 2013 /...
A detailed investigation of the protoglobigerinids from the Kimmeridgian section of the Montagne de Crussol, SE France is presented. This monotonous succession of predominantly carbonate beds represents peri-platform hemipelagic deposits, well dated by ammonites. Three species were determined in thin ...