and peace. The film draws its name from this bright red flower and reveals the extraordinary stories told by survivors of North Korea's vast prison camps, of deadly famine, and of every kind of repression. In a series of devastating interviews with refugees, director N.C. Heikin traces thei...
Kimjongilia影片类型 纪录出品国家/地区 美国 法国 语言 英语获奖信息(获奖1次) 圣丹斯国际电影节(2009) 世界电影单元最佳纪录片奖获奖N.C. Heikin 关于我们 | 网站地图 | 诚聘英才 | 版权声明 | 联系我们 帮助与反馈 | 友情链接 | CCTV6广告招商 电影频道节目中心官方网站 版权所有...
Kimjongilia aims to introduce a global audience to the stories of real North Koreans who were brutally punished in labor camps before escaping their country. In the film, a man says, "I was hung upside down for 14 hours and beaten." "We never knew when we'd get beaten. There was co...