曲谱介绍:《【Animenz】Zen Zen Zense - Kimi no Nawa 你的名字》是animenzzz演唱的一首歌曲,本首曲子是中等难度的B/Cb钢琴歌谱(带和弦),适合有一定基础的同学学习哟Zen Zen Zense - Kimi no Na wa OST [Piano]I might be 3 years too late but I have finally uploaded my piano arrangement of Zen Zen...
你的名字。-Kimi no Na wa. -your name.[BDRip][SDR 4K H264][简体双语] 319 0 03:03 App THIS IS TRUE MUSIC这才是真正的音乐!!!响起旋律差点唱出来!进才跨年音乐会--前前前世!!! 696 1 05:34 App 【你的名字/钢琴】从你的「前前前世」开始,我就一直寻觅着你的踪迹 512 0 01:36 App 前...
歌曲名《Kataware doki (Kimi No Na Wa Lofi)》,由 Scoryx 演唱,收录于《Anime & Sleep》专辑中,《Kataware doki (Kimi No Na Wa Lofi)》下载,《Kataware doki (Kimi No Na Wa Lofi)》在线试听,更多Kataware doki (Kimi No Na Wa Lofi)相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
| Kimi no Na wa | TheIshter Sheet Music | Full Piano Sheets Nandemonaiya Mitsuha ver Kimi no Na wa TheIshter Sheet Music Full Piano Sheets Theme of Mitsuha Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do? (Weathering With You)Show Less
Zen Zen Zense Kimi no Na wa OST 【Piano】 I might be 3 years too late but I have finally uploaded my piano arrangement of Zen Zen Zense, from the 2016 Anime Movie Kimi no Na wa. I have improvised this piece many times during my Animenz Live concerts in 2017 and 2018 but each perfo...
Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) tells the story of two teenagers with vastly different backgrounds. One is a boy who lived in Tokyo and has the word "city" described all around him. One is a girl who lived in rural town far from technology and anything interesting. One morning, somehow, th...
pro Please rate this score Why am I seeing this? This score is based on School Road byRADWIMPS Other versions of this composition kimi no na wa - school road Mixed Quintet Flute Piccolo, Violin, Guitar 10 votes School Road Mixed Ensemble ...
Title: kimi no na wa Song: Hazaa's Music - Lived Long Enough. by Kenai FX 40:23 Аниме |Летнийпризрак / Summer Ghost| ВсеСерииподряд | АнимеМарафон 7.2千次浏览 40:23 Летнийпризрак 1080p ...