The waitress comes by with a customer survey, and when Mi-so starts to fill it out, all of the questions ask about things she’d like if she had a boyfriend. She thinks that the writing style seems familiar, and PWAHAHA, it turns out that Young-joon wrote the questions and paid the...
Joon-hyung says he just won’t show up, since it’s not like Ki-seok could possibly hate him more than he already does. He asks Tae-kwon what his assignment is, and Tae-kwon looks uncomfortable as he mumbles that he’s the cheerleader. HAHA. ...
You aint my boyfriend #金泰亨 #bts #防弹少年团 #kimtaehyung #arianagrande - Nin于20241017发布在抖音,已经收获了29.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Ultimately,Pachinkois no more sweeping or epic than the 2018 K-dramaMr. Sunshine, which stars Kim Tae-ri (Twenty Five Twenty One) as a freedom fighter and Lee Byung-hun (Iris) as an American Marine who returns to his native Joseon. WhileMr. Sunshineoffers a more taut and intriguing stor...
Well, once the younger one stops stuffing her boyfriend into the closet and the whole subject is out in the open, that is 9 2 reply abalyn July 11, 2018 at 6:13 PM Yes, I'm glad at that and that YJ's family already likes MS. I so hate the nasty mother-in-law trope. 4...
Mi-so remembers that she wrote on the questionnaire that she’d like to receive a huge stuffed animal from a boyfriend, so she asks Young-joon if that’s what’s in the trunk. He looks guilty, then grins and admits it, pulling out a massive stuffed cow (which he’s pun-named Hard...
He tells them about running into Seo-jin and accusing her of having a new boyfriend when it was just her cousin, wailing that he probably lost the chance to make up with her.She calls him out of the blue, and when he answers, Seo-jin says she’s been feeling bad about their fight...