Starring Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won as the lead roles, Queen of Tears is a South Korean romantic-comedy series that follows the plot of two individuals with completely different perspectives on life falling in love. However, after Hae In is diagnosed w...
We’ve got a new trailer to check out for the upcoming Korean drama Queen of Tears starring Kim Soo Hyun (One Ordinary Day) and Kim Ji Won (My Liberation Notes). This is a longer one and is filled with joy, frustration, drama, humor, and lots of tears as w...
#眼泪女王 #金秀贤金智媛cp感 #眼泪女王花絮 #金智媛 #金秀贤 幕后花絮📽🎬 德国一名游客在拍摄QueenOfTears时意外捕捉到了KimSooHyun和KimJiwon BaekHong/SooWon 在德国的表演与众不同🍀 - 백홍🍀👩🏻 ️👨🏻💜于20240827发布在抖音,
【Kim SooHyun】AAA大赏感言 提及Jiwon_241227 02:51 【Kim SooHyun】AAA大赏感言正面饭拍 (中字)_241227 01:23 一般将其视为<她是我对象>的意思 tiya呀呀呀呀呀呀 1.8万 330 【中字】金秀贤二封AAA大赏,现场感谢金智媛:全世界最棒的洪海仁!!! 看韩影1 4.7万 119 感觉金秀贤和朴敏英组个CP也不...
episode, 'Queen of Tears' has consistently surpassed its own highest ratings each week since its debut, making it a top contender among TV-OTT integrated dramas for three consecutive weeks. The popularity of both Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won continues to soar alongside the drama's glo...
Witness Kim Ji-won's mesmerizing portrayal of former TVXQ member Kim Jaejoong’s love interest in "Til the Sun Rises" by Baek Seung-heon. Her exceptional acting prowess elevates the storyline. Fans are still waiting for the full version of the music video. Kim Soo-hyun, k...
tvN’s “Queen of Tears” has shared a glimpse of the changing dynamic between Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun! Penned by “Crash Landing on You,”“My Love From
Baek Hyun-woo (Kim Soo-hyun), who begins his teaser with the TLDR version of his story: “My boss is my wife.” It’s an uncomfortable situation at work to say the least, and Hyun-woo is having a difficult time with wife Hong Hae-in (Kim Ji-won) as well as his chaebol in-...
#眼泪女王 #眼泪女王花絮 #金秀贤金智媛cp感 #金秀贤 #金智媛 Kim Soohyun turn‼️The way he look at Kim Jiwon cr. Twitter - 백홍🍀👩🏻 ️👨🏻💓于20240516发布在抖音,已经收获了14.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Raving about the chemistry between Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won, an X user remarked, "Their silence is so loud , plsss you know the insane range of actors when they manage to tear hearts without saying a single word..Soohyun & jiwon arent here to play they'r here to serve." ...