this K-drama has a second male lead (Kim Seon-ho) who is so charismatic that his storyline often overshadows that of the very handsome lead (Nam Joo-hyuk). Ultimately, as Dal-Mi’s fractured family comes together, “Start-Up” reinforces the idea that no matter how broken a family i...
After focusing on films for the last few years,Kim Go-eun(The Lonely Shining Goblin) has confirmed she will be returning to dramaland, to star in writer Kim Eun-sook’s new dramaThe King: Eternal RuleralongsideLee Min-ho(Legend of the Blue Sea). Similar to Lee Min-ho, who ...
Nan-hee and Seon-ok stay behind to keep Bok-ju company, and they’re convinced now that Bok-ju likes Joon-hyung. She swears that’s not why she stood in for him, but they don’t believe her since she can’t tell them the real reason. ...
turned in their term projects: I've got a video of me doing "Highlights from Hamlet", you've got "The Spoken Poems of Queen SeonDeok", he's got "Three Months of Childrens Pantomine," and Park Min Young turns in the complete DVD set of 'City Hunter,' autographed by Lee Min Ho. ...
Weightlifting buddies Seon-ok and Nan-hee head to the student lounge, but they spot Soo-bin and one of her lackeys on the way. The four race like their lives depend on gaining control of the television remote, ha. Just as it looks like Soo-bin will get there first, Nan-hee throws ...