阿姆一共有三个女儿。和Kim诞下的亲生女儿Hailie,以及Kim和她的纹身师Eric Hartter所生的Whitney Scott Mathers,以及Kim妹妹的女儿Alaina Marie Mathers。 不要惊叹于这个男人在对待孩子的无限的包容力上,也不要任意猜测他究竟要活出一个怎样不同于普通人的伟大宇宙。他就是这样的天生Dad力。 回忆他一生成就时,最...
The music world is full of (in)famous unions, and one of the most prominent is arguably Marshall Mathers and Kimberly Anne Scott's relationship. Eminem's ...
前阵子,外媒发了组 Eminem 的宝贝女儿 Hailie Jade Scott Mathers 现在的照片,让网友惊呼:What?!爱豆的女儿都21岁了?! 这对每天还沉浸在儿童节的网友来说,简直是继联合国声明90后是中年人后的又一大心灵重创…… 而且长大成人后的 Hailie 还遗传了爸爸的颜基因,浓眉大眼,炯炯有神,身材也是正到流口水……而且...
Kimberly Anne Scott was born in Warren, Michigan, United States on 9-Jan-75. Who are Kimberly Anne Scott’s Parents? Kimberly Anne Scott’s mother is Kathleen Sluck Kimberly Anne Scott’s father is Casimer Sluck Relationships and Love Interests Not everything is known about Kimberly Anne Sco...
Their fortunes didn't improve when Scott unexpectedly became pregnant in 1995, giving birth to Hailie Jade Mathers on Christmas Day. For the sake of the newborn, they temporarily moved back in with Eminem's mother, but the stay didn't last long. "My mother did a lot of dope and s— ...