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Director Kim Jong-Kwan is having a bit of a banner year. Known primarily for his short films in the independent film scene, he has released two feature films in the span of a year—the romantic dramaJosée, starring Han Ji-Min and Nam Joo-Hyuk, and the not-quite omnibus/anthology filmS...
I know that 5 minute interviews on tv cannot capture these moments like Namjoon's candid lyrics and Yoongi's New Year's encouragement, so I'm really grateful to you for this! — azúcah (@gabdominates)May 29, 2018 Reply Rafranz Davissays: May 29, 2018 at 4:31 PM I read an articl...
Where to Watch Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Apple TV Free (sub) Prime Video Purchase (sub) iQIYI Free (sub) Viki Subscription (sub) Netflix Subscription (sub) Kocowa Free (sub) Cast & Credits Add Cast Lee Sung Kyung Kim Bok Joo Main Role Nam Joo Hyuk Jung Joon Hyeong ...
the concerned pair want to stay to make sure he’s all right, but he ushers them to leave. Knowing his iron will, Seo-jung and Dong-joo file out reluctantly, and they go back to the waiting room where Nurse Oh, Ki-tae, and Dr. Nam are pacing back and forth while waiting to hear...
Drama Casting & News Premiere Watch: The Witch bymissvictrix Open Thread Melo Movie (Drama Hangout) byDB Staff Drama Casting & News Seo Kang-joon, Kim Shin-rok face off in Undercover High School bysolstices Open Thread Open Thread #904 byDB Staff...