Kwang-hyun Kim是继吴升桓之后,红雀历史上第二位韩国投手。 年少在韩国成名 2006年,年仅16岁的Kim就代表韩国参加了U-18世界杯,并获得了世界杯MVP球员的称号。Kim在19岁时就拿到了KBO的MVP奖,2008年,当时是...
简单翻了翻今天爆出的Kwang-Hyun Kim的资料, 今年31岁,先发左投,左投,左投。他曾在14年有机会登上大联盟,教士在那年以$200万赢得了对他的拍卖但双方未能在30天内达成协议作罢。视频是16赛季的比赛片段。17年接受肘部韧带手术缺席整个赛季。之后18,19赛季可以说投的非常好了,关键数据在KBO都属于顶尖水平。2019...
in OPS. Kim won his second Gold Glove as the best all-around 1B in the KBO. He was left off the Korean squad for the2008 OlympicsasSeung-yeop LeeandDae-ho Leewere picked at first base. Kim won 8 of 94 votes forKBO MVPin 2008, finishing third behindHyun-soo KimandKwang-hyun Kim...
Heis the second pitcher in the KBO to reach the mark after Lee Kang-chul ofSamsung with 263 games. Every Lions' starter except Ma Hae-young had at least one hit in the game. LG 10, Haitai 6 LG 3, Haitai 3 In Kwangju, in the first game of thedoubleheader, the pitching ...