Kim Jin-young. Actor: A-i-syo-ping. Kim Jin-young was born on 9 June 1995 in Suncheon, South Korea. He is an actor, known for A-i-syo-ping, Tarot (2024) and Single's Inferno (2021).
Kim Jin-Young Contacts Become a member to see Kim Jin-Young's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Kim Jin-Young(I) Edit pageAdd to list Track Actress Credits 3 titles Past Film & Video(2 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross...
Kim Jin-Young Contacts Become a member to see Kim Jin-Young's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Kim Jin-Young(III) Edit pageAdd to list Track Writer Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News
Kim Jinhyoung is a musical theatre composer, writer, and graphic designer based in New York City.
网络金智英;金珍荣 网络释义
金珍荣(Dex),1995年6月9日出生于韩国顺天市。韩国艺人、YouTuber,前韩国海军特战战团(UDT)队员。2021年参加生存节目《血战》。2022年参加Netflix恋爱真人秀《单身即地狱》第二季。 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品 ··· 2024 丧尸宇宙...
Young Jin Kim, PhD, is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Generative AI where he develops foundation language models with state-of-the-art te…
Young Jin Kim, PhD, is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Generative AI where he develops foundation language models with state-of-the-art te…
旗安84 Kian Palsa / 金珍荣 Jin-young Kim / Pani Bottle Pani Bottle / 李... 9.3/3529人评价 我是加百列(2024)[ 演员 - 自己 ] 导演: 金泰浩 Kim Tae Ho / 李泰京 Lee Tae Kyung 主演: 朴宝剑 Bo-Gum Park / 池昌旭 Chang-wook Ji / 廉惠兰 Yum Hye-ran / 朴明秀 ... ...