Kim Hyun-joo. Actress: Aein isseoyo. Kim Hyun-joo was born on 24 April 1978 in Ilsan-gu, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. She is an actress, known for Aein isseoyo (2015), Gajokggiri Wae Irae (2014) and Jiok (2021).
性别: 女 出生日期: 1977年4月24日 出生地: 韩国,京畿道,一山区 更多中文名: Seun-choo Kim 更多外文名: Gum Yin Ju / 김현주 / KIM HYUN JOO IMDb编号: nm1152065 职业: 演员/ 导演 关注 1606人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 金贤珠,韩国演员及歌手,现为SBS电视广播有限公司其下艺员,...
金裕贞 Yoo-Jeong Kim / 金贤珠 Hyun-joo Kim 地狱公使 第二季 (2024) [ 演员 (饰 闵惠珍) ] 导演: 延尚昊 Sang-ho Yeon 主演: 金贤珠 Hyun-joo Kim / 金圣喆 Kim Sung-Cheol / 金新绿 Shin-rok Kim / 文素... 5.9 / 2641人评价 遗赠的秘密 (2024) [ 演员 ] 导演: 延尚昊 Sang...
Kim Hyun-joo (I) Edit page Add to list Track DirectorOverview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video (1 title) Budget Opening Weekend Gross (US & Canada) Gross (Worldwide) Lost in the Moonlight (2016) Director...
性别:女 出生日期:1987年3月10日 更多中文名:金周现 更多外文名:김주현 IMDb编号:nm8713696 职业:演员 / 配音 关注350人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 2007年,金周现以艺名“荔枝”出道,并通过电影《奇谈》开始演员生涯。因有着与韩佳人相似的美貌而固有“韩佳人2号”之称 。随后参演过《爱情啊爱情啊》《混...
She is most known for her roles in the television series Secret Garden with Hyun Bin, A Love to Kill with Rain, and This is My Love with Joo Jin-mo. She is also known for being crowned Miss Korea in 2000 and representing South Korea in Miss Universe 2001, the 50th Miss Universe ...
Hyun-joo Kim Released 已上映作品(28) 按年代查看 按年代查看 按评分查看 全部作品 全部作品 电影作品 电视剧 其他作品 职业筛选:演员(30) 2024 遗赠的秘密 电视系列剧 演员 导演:延尚昊闵洪南 主演: 0人评分 2023 贞伊 演员 导演:延尚昊 主演:
Become a member to see Kim Hyun-joo's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Kim Hyun-joo(I) Edit pageAdd to list Track Director Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross ...
Hyun-joo Kim. Art Department: Meet the Parents. Hyun-joo Kim is known for Meet the Parents (2000), Sweet and Lowdown (1999) and Sechinku (1996).