KBO Commissioner KRW 22.5B $27MM The Tower(2012) Jin $37MM The Taste of Money(2012) Boss 1 $7.5MM As One(2012) Jo Nam-poong $12MM Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time(2012) Public Prosecutor Choi Joo-dong KRW 10B $32MM Couples(2011) ...
A Violent Prosecutor (2016) Assemblyman Kang Yeong-sik $67MM The Vampire Lives Next Door to Us (2015) (Short) - Actor Veteran (2015) Adviser Jeong $372K $1.2MM $94MM Intimate Enemies (2015) In-soo $685K Enemies In-Law (2015) Park Man-choon Man on High Heels (2014...