kim米, 时尚个性的街头装扮 1. 中腰牛仔修身刺绣哈伦裤,简约的设计 牛仔面料,水洗磨白,水洗做旧的做旧磨白的质感做旧,水洗。 2. 格格cosplay纤维打底衫,简约的设计 这款是来自于美国的潮牌,这款来自日本的服饰品牌,采用了经典的圆领设计,穿着舒适,同时也更到修饰脸型的效果,穿着更显干练,衣身的撞色拼接,更...
对括号部分提问 danny and jenny went to the (gym) yesterday.同上 kim needs about (ten) minutes to dry the dishes a day.同上 i(clean my bedroom) on saturdays ai home.同上 the ping-pong balls are (ten dollars).同上 i went to (the gym) today? 同上 li ming arrives at the gym (at ...