1兆TB = 1ZB 1KB (Kilobyte 千字节)=1024B, 1MB (Megabyte 兆字节 简称“兆”)=1024KB, 1GB (Gigabyte 吉字节 又称“千兆”)=1024MB, 1TB (Terabyte 万亿字节 太字节)=1024GB, 1PB (Petabyte 千万亿字节 拍字节)=10...
1MB(MegaByte)兆 1×220B 2 1GB(GigaByte)吉 1×230B 3 1TB(TeraByte)太 1×240B 4 1PB(PetaByte)拍 1×250B 5 1EB(ExaByte)艾 1×260B 6 1ZB(ZettaByte)泽 1×270B 7 1YB(YottaByte)尧 1×80B 8 答案:(1) 1KB=1024B ... 点击查看完整答案手机看题 ...
'Kilobyte'在计算机存储中的位置 在计算机存储单位体系中,'Kilobyte'(KB)是介于字节(Byte)和兆字节(Megabyte, MB)之间的单位。计算机存储单位从小到大依次为位(bit)、字节(byte)、千字节(kilobyte)、兆字节(megabyte)、千兆字节(gigabyte)、太字节(terabyte)、拍字节(petabyte)、艾字节(exabyte)...
kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte petabyte û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 微博爱豆 02月15日 14:08 #李纯0215生日快乐# 她是《花千骨》里敢爱敢恨的霓漫天;是《如懿传》中心狠手辣的卫嬿...
Units larger than a kilobyte include the megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB), and so on. These units represent increasing magnitudes of storage capacity, with each one being 1,000 times larger than the previous unit. These larger units are commonly used to measure ...
Kilobytes in a Megabyte (MB) 1,000 Kilobytes in a Mebibit (Mibit) 131.072 Kilobytes in a Mebibyte (MiB) 1,048.58 Kilobytes in a Gigabit (Gb) 125,000 Kilobytes in a Gigabyte (GB) 1,000,000 Kilobytes in a Gibibit (Gibit) 134,218 Kilobytes in a Gibibyte (GiB) 1,074,000 Kilobytes...
kilobyte KB megabyte 0.001 MB ~= 1 KB Conversion base : 1 KB = 0.001 MB Conversion base : 1 MB = 1000 KB Switch units Starting unit SI prefixed byte quantities byte (B) kilobyte (KB) megabyte (MB) gigabyte (GB) terabyte (TB) petabyte (PB) exabyte (EB) zettabyte (ZB) yott...
The difference between units based on SI and binary prefixes increases exponentially — in other words, an SI kilobyte is nearly 98% as much as a kibibyte, but a megabyte is under 96% as much as a mebibyte, and a gigabyte is just over 93% as much as a gibibyte. This means that a ...
A megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 kilobytes.873 pages of plain text (1,200 characters). 4 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters).Gigabyte (GB)A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes. 1,024 megabytes, or 1,048,576 kilobytes....
megabyte (MB) gigabyte (GB) terabyte (TB) petabyte (PB) exabyte (EB) zettabyte (ZB) yottabyte (YB) binary prefixed byte quantities kibibyte (KiB) mebibyte (MiB) gibibyte (GiB) tebibyte (TiB) pebibyte (PiB) exbibyte (EiB) zebibyte (ZiB) yobibyte (YiB) SI prefixed bit quantities ...