同时请参照Kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi, and all that,它们是新设计的用来表示2的幂次的乘数因子的前缀。 kilo,mega,giga,tera以及peta是用来表示某物数量的前缀,例如在计算与通信中的字节数或比特数。这些前缀有时叫作前缀乘数,它们也使用在电子和物理领域。每个乘数由一个字母的缩写和这个乘数所代表的前缀...
kilok1 000 megaM1 000 000 gigaG1 000 000 000 teraT1 000 000 000 000 petaP1 000 000 000 000 000 kilo 10^3 千 mega 10^6 百万/兆 giga 10^9 十亿/吉 tera 10^12 万亿/太 (部分地方源用古文记载的 ‘兆’)peta 10^15 千万亿/拍 ...
Memory Sizes: kilo mega giga tera peta exa Here is a table summarizing large numbers, their names, and the number of bits they require to state in binary. In computer architecture, we need to know how memory sizes relate to address sizes in bits. For example, 1 exabyte requires 60 bits...
mega M 1 000 000 giga G 1 000 000 000 tera T 1 000 000 000 000 peta P 1 000 000 000 000 000 exa E 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 zetta Z 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 yotta Y 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 deci d 0.1 centi c 0.01 milli m 0.001 micro µ 0.000 ...
I am not keeping this page up to date. Please visit https://cryptosmith.com/2013/10/18/memory-sizes-kilo-mega-giga-tera-peta-exa/ instead. Here is a summary of memory size names and their corresponding address sizes. Many people memorize this type of inf
Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa and zetta are among the binary prefixes used to denote the quantity of something, such as abyteorbitin computing and telecommunications. Sometimes calledprefix multipliers, these prefixes are also used in electronics and physics. ...
Gigahenry to Kilohenry Conversion Table Table showing various gigahenry measurements converted to kilohenries. GigahenriesKilohenries 0.000001 GH1 kH 0.000002 GH2 kH 0.000003 GH3 kH 0.000004 GH4 kH 0.000005 GH5 kH 0.000006 GH6 kH 0.000007 GH7 kH ...
1 trillion 万亿 (词头 tera-)词头是三位一个的,十的三次方是kilo(K,千)、十的六次方是mega(M,百万)、十的九次方是giga(G,十亿)、十的十二次方是tera(T,万亿)、十的十五次方是peta(P,亿亿)……如此类推,中间的只能用10或100加在单位前,而且浮点数是算二进制的,二进制里...
M = Mega = 10⁶ = 1000k G = Giga = 10⁹ =1000M T = Tera = 10¹² = 1000G P = Peta = 10¹⁵ = 1000T E = Exa = 10¹⁸ = 1000P Z = Zetta = 10²¹ = 1000E Y= Yotta = 10²⁴ = 1000Z ...
Open There are tools that report metrics in Giga / Mega / Kilo rather than its basic units. In the above picture I have a WebLogic HEAP metric reported in Mbytes. When creating dashboards , I have to choose "none" as format for this metrics. When done I have lost units on legend ...