类型: 游戏/动作/第一人称射击 平台: PS3/PS2 开发商: Guerrilla Games 发行商: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe / Sega 发行日期: 2004-11-02 豆瓣评分 5.9 61人评价 5星 9.8% 4星 13.1% 3星 39.3% 2星 34.4% 1星 3.3% 想玩在玩玩过
PS2 PS3 Follow 6.9 FairCheck out the review Metacritic 70 User Rating:5.5| KillzonePS2 ByCerebris| Review Date:June 13, 2009 Though I hate Halo aside from singleplayer and it's story, so don't think I'm a fanboy. The point is that this game just was way too repetitive and didn't...
PS2 PS3 Follow 6.9 FairCheck out the review Metacritic 70 It seems people will always get carried away by the majority . User Rating:10| KillzonePS2 Byshyshyshy| Review Date:August 8, 2008 They called it the "by-stander complex", where people become too stuck up to help their loved on...
《杀戮地带》为“杀戮地带”系列的第一作,是 PS2 平台上的 FPS 大作之一。游戏中玩家可以体验享受破坏和杀戮快感,具有丰富多样的可供挑战,游戏的操作很顺畅,战斗非常刺激。本作的故事发生在近未来的星际殖民时期,而游戏中的战争设定则是借鉴了二十世纪地球上各个著名战役,将会带给玩家最真实的战争感觉。
They are flooding, plaguing, infesting and spamming the video game industry with these crappy “games”. PS2, PS, etc. consoles were never plagued by so many shooters. Why are they so linear? Why is there nothing to do in them aside from pewpew down a linear corridor? I want some ...
此外,该游戏还具有丰富的剧情和关卡设置,例如P1、P4、P8等,使得玩家可以在游戏中体验到不同的故事线和挑战。总的来说,《杀戮地带-解放行动 Killzone - Liberation》是一款深受玩家喜爱的科幻射击游戏,它成功地将原本在PS2平台上的大作转移到了掌机PSP上,使玩家可以随时随地享受到高质量的射击游戏体验。
《杀戮地带2》(Killzone 2)是PS3平台独占的FPS游戏,它由Guerrilla Games制作、SCE发行。本作是继《杀戮地带》(PS2)以及《杀戮地带:解放》(PSP)后系列第三部。 本作以未来世界为舞台,故事叙述不断往银河发展的人类分裂为军国主义激进派与保守派,展开了一场行星对行星的大战。游戏以在贝尔肯行星建立的独裁国家Hel...
Not only did Guerrilla achieve a milestone of delivering a great exclusive title for Sony's PS3, it delivered one of the better shooters to come along in a long time. Get your hands on this game.PRESENTATION - 10/10 Everything from the first entrance onto the battlefield to the last ...
Awesome Sequel To PS2 Original excellent new third person angle, different weapons, and an online beta client coming out soon, kz looks set to replace socom as most popular psp network game. The innovative camera angle allows for more stealthy and calculated approaches to fights and the addition...