And yet, against a backdrop of shaken survivors still wrapping themselves in EMT-provided blankets, he re-animates. After taking out the enemies nearest him, including a grown-up Tommy Doyle (Anthony Michael Hall), Michael pursues an oblivious Karen inside his former home and kills her. ...
Will we see less Twinkies or Wonder Bread bleached so white it really shouldn’t even be called bread? Probably not. It is still my job as a health researcher to keep publicizing why many aspects of our modern diet are bad for all of us. If a market still exists for the Twinkie, Din...
In Santa Barbara, where President Reagan is on vacation, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said: “The President of course passes along his deepest sympathies to the people of Pakistan, to the families of the ambassador and President Zia and all the people on the aircraft. But at this p...